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  1. Bandit Keith
    May 25th, 16 08:33 PM
    Bandit Keith
    A ideal I just had Kara brings up wanting to go to some convention in the first rp and Linda makes a deal on if Kara behaves and does this or that Kara can go there with Linda there of course
  2. Bandit Keith
    May 24th, 16 09:49 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Thats okay its just-and risking sounding creepy here-I was worried if you had got hurt or the like even though you keep popping in at Random. So take all the time you need after all real life matters more

    Random question but what version of Aquaman do you prefer and what versions do you like mixing? Personally I like his JL and the Brave & the bold version or as some call the ''outrageous Aguaman'' about the same,while I like to mix traits from the JL cartoon the Brave and the bold cartoon and the New 52 timeline. for JL I love to put the already king before meeting the league, amazing body and multipurpose hand deal (I'm a fan of the later deal when we're talking fiction ) his quirkiness, fun side aswell as batman fanboyish of the Brave&bold cartoon mixed with alot of his new 52 factor .

    Also anything against Raven getting involved with caring for the kids? I ask as I oddly have amusement at such a image of Raven being involved in such a thing

    Another question,which leaguer you'd be okay with caring for Kara and Kon that would be nice to them but also break some of the babysitting guidelines? I ask as well I sorta want to pull something like Linda and Clark coming home and finding the kids in the middle of either watching a rather tame R rated movie(Revenge of the Nerds I know is a really tame R rated movie I believe that its rated such for the year it came out) or both kids playing a game that isn't suitable for them?

    On ideals I've keep from saying them seeing as I didn't want to flood you but if you insist

    I thought as a plot point in mostly narrative way Linda could look into Karas diary and find Kara is struggling with morals with her powers and Kara has alot of times been temped to become a benevolent dictator of earth but Kara knows thats not right even though with how her powers are growing Kara keeps getting tempted so much ,Still she stays on the right path and that can make Linda proud Kara hasn't got for a lack of a better term/phrase' drunk on power'' and without thinking when Kara returns from school or from her friends place praises Kara for it and Kara gets upset from finding out her diary had been read.

    Linda ends up with Karas permission looking in Karas dream journals with are stuff with great details her dreams enough that a start of a story could be brought from each on how detailed she got them and Linda could get a feel for Kara from what the dreams was about given I bet Cadmus had Linda go through stuff about dream study information

    A sudden school competition thing is announced and Kara outwardly stays calm till at home and starts freaking out as Cadmus personal are now running a school that had started it and Waller or another Cadmus rep was one that set it up which Kara just knows it must be that Cadmus is onto who Clark and herself is but more importantly wanting to get Linda and Kon back. Which Kara basically has a fear breakdown over what might just be a coincidence or being done for another reason.

    A talent show is going on soon and Linda is not sure she should let Kara be in it till Kara reveals herself and her friends have been working on something for months for it

    some people at Karas school frame Kara and Kon for destroying some room and even with Karas friends in there defense Kara and Kon are at very high risks of school punishment

    Kara has somehow keep something secret from Linda something she has been working awhile on as a sorry thing sense she had to have used the''Just a weapon''set of Taunts on Linda when the chip thing was happening to get Linda to the shock thing and she happened to finish it just before mothers day and gives it as a combo sorry gift and mothers day gift

    Karas heres from her school friends a festival in a nearby town for and Kara somehow convinces Linda to let her go even though its on the fact Linda must supervise her. Main reason to let Kara go is because its a seasonal festival type of thing and Clark was planning to take Kon to it Linda can bond with Kara abit and it'd be a nice break from what has been happpening

    in a narrative ideal -that I'm mainly saying to get out of my head as I have little interest to put it in a rp - Linda finds out Kara has feelings for a guy and a girl so Linda does her best to give the''relationship speech''and other such kinds thats related to the situation

    Kara gets testy when she finds out she can't help working on fixing or rather rebuilding the Elder Kents barn and fix a portion of the Kents house after the barn had been pretty much destroyed and house damaged abit via some super villain that normally can beat one Super get his or her ass kicked via two of them

    Kara ends up truly needing cared for because Scarecrow somehow made a fear toxin that can affect a teenage fullblooded kryptonian and till Bruce has a antidote Kara needs cared for aswell as away from anything too stimulating or things that scare her. One thing that would need done is keeping Linda and Kon in her sight and when not only gone a little bit at a time .

    I have stuck in my head some of Karas school/civilian friends are meta-humans that tend to hide the mostly useless powers they have when its not just them and there friends around

    Playing off the Joker Statement from the first rp. Rumor spreads in the villain crowd about seeing Kara and Linda afew times in Smallville location so a variety of mostly small time villian but also some of the minor super powered villians go there to for the most part try and make it big or bigger in the villain ranks and they piss Kara off by them involving her friends in the trouble.

    Perhaps the time period in our first rp is nearing Halloween so we do the old Hallooween ideal you agreed upon in it
  3. Bandit Keith
    May 19th, 16 01:44 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Ever see the movie Mary Poppins or the movie Bedknobs and broomsticks ?

    Also would you be up for some comic based discussion between us ? Mostly just to talk on comic based matters as friends
  4. Bandit Keith
    May 10th, 16 11:05 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh and no rush but do you think any edits on my rp posts would help you or is it something like just lack of time,real life troubles,not in the mood to rp, or what you might call a form of writers block? I just ask as I had been seeing you pop in and I like to be informed on matters if its something like those things

    Also have you seen the movie Spirited away, the movie Howls moving castle or the The Aristocats ?
  5. Bandit Keith
    May 4th, 16 06:06 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Yo I found this http://all-mlp-songs.wikia.com/wiki/Derpy's_Lullaby and thought it would be something Linda could sing to Kara in one or more of our rps like for the days before bedtime like perhaps on a day Kara has been upset for some reason and nothing had helped humm theres a ideal she could still be pretty upset about the incident in the first rp of ours and not willing to let herself relax come bedtime too scared of Linda leaving again and Linda could come up with that tune/lullaby practically on the spot

    I also had a thought in the first rp Kara sometime expresses a fear of her friends not wanting to be friends anymore from the whole situation shes in now with the babying and such of course this will be like the day before she returns to school and so Linda works up a lullaby to try calming Karas fears more for alot better chance of Kara having peaceful dreams that night

    I'm temped come the next day in our first rp Linda finds out Kara has hay fever as more plants are now in bloo
  6. Bandit Keith
    May 1st, 16 01:23 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Never mind this post
  7. Bandit Keith
    April 30th, 16 05:49 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Random question ever seen the series Unsolved mysterious series when Robert Stack was still the host?
  8. Bandit Keith
    April 27th, 16 01:23 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I had a pretty depressing dream last night involving Kara and Kon here it is;

    This one is Kara and Kon having a close friend that quickly become a close friend to Kon aswell because this friend may have been blind but could tell Kara and Kon both hide a deep sort of sadness from others that pretty much no one seen as most everyone uses there eyes to see but this person being blind had early on found other ways to see . Leading this friend to see things almost no one else could from most everyone else relying on conventional methods of senses .

    Anyway this friend had something happen that cause this person to no longer be around like well in the same sense as everyone else not even as a ghost and it really gets to Kara and Kon for there closest friend who they had been about this persons only true friend wasn't even existing as a ghost anymore. Worse still they see it as it was indirectly their fault this person is gone -even though it wasn't truly their fault- as this person noticed their secret as being a hero and heroine from subtle none visible signs this person picked up.

    Which led to this friend worrying greatly so much over them when news of Kara and Kon being hurt is talked about in the news,which that was noticed by varying badguy minions that had been in the area at different times and she pretty much refused to say anything that led to her demise while fighting.

    Which caused Kara and Kon to be in a very bad funk enough that they barely would show any enjoyment and such. Even go so far as never wanting to be any kind of good guy ever again or bad guy even if they're very tempted to become a bad guy for mostly good reasons as what they'd do to prevent things like that happening to others again would have made them labeled as evil but they never to take such a path.

    Yet their hero nature brings them back to being hero's of course it also helped when Jason and Roy pretty much gave them a sound harsh heart-to-heart lecture which to most would seem like a chewing out combined with abit of loathing towards how Kara and Kon was acting. But it worked to make them come to there senses even if it lead to them planning to become Anti-hero's when they no longer need to live under the same roof as there older parents.
  9. Bandit Keith
    April 26th, 16 08:24 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Question for you,had you ever as a kid every imagination being Captain N from the cartoon ''Captain N the game master ''? I will admit I had and acted like I was him . hum theres a ideal Kara and Kon could get into a make believe game based around a similar ideal.

    I also have a ideal mostly narrative based involving Linda getting abit noisy when Karas at school given the fact Kara has some unlabeled tapes and dvds that was stashed away hidden ,Linda got noisy as it was worry about why they was stashed away hidden and when viewed would reveal Kara just didn't want others outside her friends seeing the recordings of her friends and herself messing around like cosplaying and stuff maybe even some self made movies
  10. Bandit Keith
    April 25th, 16 06:44 AM
    Bandit Keith
    First glad you liked it and of cuorse we'd do those things


    I just found a book I forgot about being given to me as a joke afew years ago by one of my friends and read it. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at how stupid it is namely this book ''Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex: But Were Afraid to Ask'' Believe it or not I can laugh at how stupid that book is and like it but not this book ''Seduction of the Innocent'' when it was pretty damn stupid and I hated it not finding anything to enjoy other then the fact of the guy who made it was flippant because years later he was like''this media I bad mouthed and said was screwing humans and especially kids over isn't bad or doing that at all'' that last book might have me hating it so much because it was the main cause of the way overbearing Comics Code Authority thing that had formed plus the books maker lied and did very wrong ways of data gathering even for the year the book was being made.

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