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AJbestpony AJbestpony is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 2669
  1. GreaterGood
    January 5th, 25 12:16 AM
    I'll be right on it! Sorry I've been having problems with headaches on and off today
  2. GreaterGood
    January 4th, 25 07:50 PM
    That works!

    Sure, I'd be fine with that

    Sounds good! I'll try my best
  3. GreaterGood
    January 4th, 25 07:44 PM
    Maybe they're of dwarven design? As a queen she'd no doubt have access to foreign luxuries

    And british, absolutely british
  4. GreaterGood
    January 4th, 25 07:29 PM
    Are you cool with this setting, like, somehow having disposables?
  5. Princess Goomba
    January 3rd, 25 11:56 PM
    Princess Goomba
    Mmhm, I will have to get back to you, as I'm discussing a few other rp's with people right now and I can't spread myself too thin.
  6. Princess Goomba
    January 3rd, 25 11:03 PM
    Princess Goomba
    I'm not overly big on sexual content, I don't mind it, but unless an rp revolves around sexual content being included in some fashion, I usually don't bother with it.
  7. GreaterGood
    January 3rd, 25 10:07 PM
    I think that’s all I have for now, so go right ahead!
  8. toxic34
  9. GreaterGood
    January 3rd, 25 08:08 PM
    Idk if the profile was a tipoff but I really like warhammer

    Anyway yeah, island off the mainland with wood elves and an Orc infestation, and a fantasy HRE on the mainland
  10. GreaterGood
    January 3rd, 25 08:03 PM
    I like the way you think

    Oh, you like WHFB too? I still need to finish my army box for old world bretonnians

About Me

  • Information
    first became interested in diapers at a very early age. Did not realize I was a DL until my teens.
    Nothing would please me more than to find a lovely lady who would be both my Mommy and my own baby girl at the same time.
    North Texas
    A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones; animated Disney films; certain anime (particularly Sword Art Online, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Assassination Classroom, Overlord, and Gate); video games (such as Skyrim, Mass Effect, and Life is Strange). Also a brony, as my username may indicate.
    Roleplaying Status
    Open just about anytime
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  • Last Activity: Today 06:05 PM
  • Join Date: September 12th, 13
  • Referrals: 1


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