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Luca-chan Luca-chan is offline

Totally 100% Fully Potty Trained

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 547
  1. LittleSparkyABDL
    November 7th, 18 06:01 PM
    Do you upload your edits anywhere else? like tumblr or even deviantart?
  2. Ad-Sd-ChibiGirl
    October 22nd, 18 11:02 PM
    I tend to remove Edits and Duplicates, or if an artist asks me to remove the image. I don't remember what the image might have been, but those are the three main reasons I remove art.

    EDIT: It's because we don't allow Edits on here.
  3. Nekroms
    October 12th, 18 08:11 PM
    Hi! Long time not seen. How are chu?
  4. Rukia~Chan
    August 11th, 18 04:58 AM
    That's a good question, the one who removes photos on the site usually is chibi girl or stoner.
  5. Ryuko Matoi
    August 10th, 18 02:40 PM
    Ryuko Matoi
    I believe that would be "Rukia~Chan" you're looking for.
  6. Ryuko Matoi
    August 10th, 18 02:32 PM
    Ryuko Matoi
    I do not know, as I am not in charge of the galery, however, seeing your work I do think it was taken down due to copy right.
  7. Jose-san
    January 7th, 18 01:03 PM
    Hey, send me a message when you get the opportunity, man.
  8. Silverkitten
    November 25th, 17 04:22 AM
    Do you RP still? .
  9. Xero
    December 18th, 16 08:25 AM
    Yeah, that's one of yours, although I don't really see what's wrong with it. Looks like a pretty decent edit to me. Whilst we do have a certain quality control, yours doesn't seem to go against it. However, I won't have it returned to the normal galleries. Not yet, at least. I think I need to review our rules on gallery image manipulations, as that's what it's filed under. Whilst I can't see who moved the image to hidden admin section, there's not a lot of people who have the power to do so, so I have a pretty good idea of who I should talk to and get their point of view. With that said, I don't think you're in any trouble. If it did go against site rules, it's pretty obvious you didn't mean any harm, and this confusion seems to be caused by error on our part, so my apologies.
  10. Xero
    December 18th, 16 07:19 AM
    If the images have been deleted altogether, then I won't be able to see what went wrong. Normally, we just move them to an admin-deleted section where we can review the matters if they come up like. Do you have the links to your images, or have they been removed entirely?

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    ?poop eh did srepaid ynam woh ,srepaid ytterp fo knip a depoop repiP reteP fI .depoop repiP reteP ,repaid ytterp knip A .srepaid ytterp fo knip a depoop repiP reteP


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  • Last Activity: October 4th, 24 01:35 AM
  • Join Date: February 22nd, 10
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