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Pyroh Pyroh is offline

The Baby Flame

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 4470
  1. Connie2256
    April 17th, 17 01:21 PM
    The information presented is absolutely phenomenal and is a great starting point for anyone without a business background. Sam Bakker presents the material in a clear, concise manner that is easy to understand and commit to memory. However, for the title of the course, Jvzoo academy review I feel like it has a leaning too much toward Silicon Valley and the startup world that is exclusive of everything you need to know in business.
  2. Diapee Girl
    May 20th, 14 05:25 PM
    Diapee Girl
    Been a little while since we talked. How are you?
  3. Diapee Girl
    April 22nd, 14 01:00 AM
    Diapee Girl
    Ouch. Hopefully you'll be making some pretty good cash off of that though.
    Did you used to do security for a retail store? Or did you just work at one in the past?
  4. Diapee Girl
    April 18th, 14 02:51 PM
    Diapee Girl
    Oh, I see. Do you enjoy the position?
  5. Diapee Girl
    April 12th, 14 04:47 PM
    Diapee Girl
    Ooh! Very nice! Do you want to be a security gaurd right now?
  6. Diapee Girl
    April 12th, 14 04:21 PM
    Diapee Girl
    Congratulations! What do you want to do with it?
  7. Diapee Girl
    March 30th, 14 12:43 AM
    Diapee Girl
    Sounds like fun. Been up to anything else lately?
  8. Garu
    March 25th, 14 02:01 PM
    You silly goose. ill be here kf you need. still wanna roleplay?
  9. Garu
    March 25th, 14 01:51 AM
    Preaching to the choir but trust me when i say the venting is very nice sometimes. offer stands ^w^
  10. mato
    March 25th, 14 01:22 AM
    i'm sorry if you want to vent or anything ill listen to you

About Me

  • Information
    I'm understanding, a great listener, always looking for loop holes
    Who knows somewhere in new york state
    Reading, Psychology, gamming
    over night stock, Wanting to be a police officer
  • User Settings
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  • Signature
    Zanpakuto: Han'ei Suru, Tenshi no Yona Shein'en (Thrive, Angelic Abyss)
    Shape: Jian with a hilt decorated with ribbons
    Abilities: Fire based, Flame is has a blue hew.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: April 8th, 15 03:26 AM
  • Join Date: August 18th, 08
  • Referrals: 1


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 33

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