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Pokémaniac Pokémaniac is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 2334
  1. babygirl975
    February 3rd, 15 08:46 PM
    Yeah sure I will be on all day tomorrow
  2. babygirl975
    February 3rd, 15 08:35 PM
    We will continue right now
  3. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 08:33 PM
    Master of games
    Nu im the tickle monster! Rawr! >:3 -keeps tickling until!-
  4. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 08:23 PM
    Master of games
    Mari don't be mad at me -sighs and tickles the girl-
  5. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 08:21 PM
    Master of games
    -finally listens to marris- sorry Mari
  6. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 08:16 PM
    Master of games
    -Starts to read it- Hm what's this about a what?
  7. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 08:12 PM
    Master of games
    -smirks reading her diary- okay sweetie
  8. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 08:07 PM
    Master of games
    And let's sell our own brand of diapers marris I know your good at modelling -thinks about yesterday-
  9. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 08:02 PM
    Master of games
    Because your my little puppy! -lets marris breathe-
  10. Master of games
    February 3rd, 15 07:58 PM
    Master of games
    Good that makes daddy want to snuggle you till you squeak! -snuggles tightly-

About Me

  • Information
    Ah... me, i am a more, let's say expressiver person. I am easy to tell my opinion about something but this leaves me to be a honest person. I am friendly to newcommers and usually to everyone. I am open to any sort of idea reaching from extreme kink to simple nursery themes. I do have a preference for encorced diapering and Pokémon. I am not too hard on the whole 'who is the baby and who is the parent' thing, i usually make two rp's so both the players can be babies, because after all, that's why we are here. At least, most of us. Feel free to ask me for roleplays, i'm allways up for it. But you can also come to me if you're feeling bad and need someone to express it to. Just give me a shout.
    In the place you don't expect me to be
    School, gaming & roleplaying
    roleplaying, searching the internet and listening to scary stories usually frightning myself....
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General Information
  • Last Activity: April 16th, 15 10:41 AM
  • Join Date: April 23rd, 14
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 19

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