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Hiddenhunter Hiddenhunter is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 224
  1. Dragon emperor
    April 8th, 20 05:52 PM
    Dragon emperor
    Would you like to do a digimon rp with me
  2. XxSpyroFanxX
    September 6th, 18 02:50 AM
    Oh my goodness! I am so sorry for the delayed response! I stay logged in, but I haven't actually checked in a while. I am so sorry about that.
  3. Rye
    August 15th, 18 06:28 PM
    You don't need to see the new one , the old one works fine but I reference it since it's where the aesthetic comes from. But you know the general feel of the old one , neon bright lights , rain , tall dark skyscrapers with twisting interlocking grey streets suspended above the pavements below.
  4. Rye
    August 15th, 18 03:33 PM
    No worries , and I see. I think given the plot a more dystopia feel would work well. Perhaps a bit of cyberpunk, the sort of vibe you get from the blade runner movie , all neon , grimy and futurish. I can see a lot of class conflict possible in that sort of setting.
  5. Rye
    August 9th, 18 02:00 PM
    Well i do like a interesting setting. Which do you lean more towards. Fantasty or sci fy?
  6. Rye
    August 7th, 18 01:05 PM
    Well im just aware that you said ideas are non negotiable so i don't know how much input you want from me on ideas
  7. Rye
    August 5th, 18 08:13 PM
    Hm? Oh I kinda assumed he would be 18+ due to sexy things happening. I just call all the subs kids, don't worry about it.

    Right so that's pretty expansive. How about setting , are we going with plain our world stuff or any tweaks to make the world interesting and maybe tease a sort of story from it?
  8. Rye
    August 5th, 18 03:16 PM
    Hm yea that one can work. I assume you want to be the kid mentioned?

    What sort of tone were you thinking for the rp? Fluffy and cute or more sexual and dominated?
  9. Rye
    August 4th, 18 01:49 PM
    Sure ask away
    How physical? As in rough play? I'd say as much as you want as long as you aren't surprised by kickback. I would draw the line at literally torturing them for no reason
    As for m/m , I prefer it. Boys are much more fun in padding
  10. Rye
    August 2nd, 18 10:38 PM
    I'm pretty open to either ,don't worry I can handle either roles pretty well

About Me

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    Welcome one and all! I'm not that good at these things, but I will try. I'm new to the site and this type of rp. So please bare with me. I may ask a lot of questions as I may not understand. I'm pretty open and willing to give things a try. However, I do stick strongly by the supernatural side. I also enjoy playing males. So I hope your okay with me playing one. If you have any questions feel free to ask. -blushes-
    In the middle of somewhere! -giggles-
    Yaoi, anime, kdrama, jdrama, tdrama, role playing,listening to music. Just some of my likes all types of
    The jerk that moves things where you can't find it. -muhahah-
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  • Last Activity: August 24th, 18 11:15 AM
  • Join Date: May 23rd, 18
  • Referrals: 0


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