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Demon969 Demon969 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 295
  1. Monica
    January 14th, 25 02:47 AM
    Hi I was wondering are you open to rp
  2. zenith
    January 3rd, 25 05:42 PM
    No worries. I'm looking forward to your post!
  3. zenith
    January 3rd, 25 11:52 AM
    Sure. I would ask for shorter responses if possible though. Maybe one to two paragraphs if that's ok?
  4. UltraChild
    November 21st, 24 10:32 PM
    Hello. .
  5. UltraChild
    November 9th, 24 03:47 AM
    It's all good I've been busy myself how do you feel about diaper punishments

    Like maybe Naruto gets punished for drinking Tsunade's expensive sake
  6. UltraChild
    October 17th, 24 08:30 PM
    Hello would you like to do a Naruto rp
  7. The Virtual ABDL
    August 24th, 24 05:11 PM
    The Virtual ABDL
    Hello umm...would you be open to Rp ?
  8. Valkyrae
    August 16th, 24 04:21 PM
    I was thinking we both play both roles for starters

    I would like to play Naruto as the baby as for his mommy I would love either kurenai, Tsunade, or Tayuya

    The Idea for Naruto is

    Naruto gets the diaper punishment/ a second childhood: Naruto who pulls a prank on the Neji by replacing his shampoo with pink hair dye makes Neju humiliated

    So he reports it to Tsunade informing he that his entire clan wants Naruto punished if she doesn't the whole clan will leave the village giving Tsunade no choice but to comply as it is a serious matter

    Tsunade who understands that everyone has a limits but not wanting to her hurt Naruto to bad A.K.A her little ball of sunshine comes up with the punishment

    You know the saying act like a baby you'll get treated like one
  9. Valkyrae
    August 14th, 24 12:44 PM
    lol I was wondering if you'd be open to do a Naruto rp
  10. Valkyrae
    August 13th, 24 05:03 PM
    Hello. .

About Me

  • Information
    I'm an avid roleplayer when it comes to humiliation, sissification, forced regression and other things relating to those concepts. I don't want to reveal to much, but just know I am 18+, I am usually busy with a lot of obligations and I am thinking of doing story commissions soon.
    The Bramble Swamps
    Drawing, Writing and Sleeping
    Currently a College Student
    Roleplaying Status
    I am willing to Roleplay on a variety of Universes.
    Roleplaying Position
    Post Length Preference
    Just be Literate.
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  • Last Activity: February 10th, 25 02:08 PM
  • Join Date: June 19th, 19
  • Referrals: 0


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