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Diapered Avenger Diapered Avenger is offline

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  1. Tobedeleted123
    Yesterday 03:11 PM
    You having Barbara answer Canary's question about riding motorbikes by saying: "Uh... I can ride a regular bike." Just made me imagine Barbara in full Batgirl uniform riding a completely average pushbike to the crime scenes before she gets gear upgrades or a Bat-cycle after getting Batman’s respect.

    ...God, that's funny to imagine.
  2. zenith
    Yesterday 11:15 AM
    Mmm, let's see. Do you like hypnosis or voodoo dolls?
  3. Tobedeleted123
    Yesterday 05:40 AM
    Oh, and idea. When Barbara calls to let Cass know that she'll be home soon, what if she calls Cass's phone, because she doesn't know that Cass visited Dinah. Cass is in her Little headspace and just been changed after her nap, so Dinah answers for her?
  4. SomeoneSuspicious
    Yesterday 05:03 AM
    Sure, that can happen! I figured that he'd start off being extremely embarrassed by everything going on, but very gradually as it went on he'd slowly become accustomed to everything, especially after seeing how everyone else was already used to it.
  5. Tobedeleted123
    Yesterday 05:02 AM
    I think we did. Wow. Didn't see your message until now. I think it was just showing a little of bit of what Barbara's up to, maybe a little thought about Cass, then we switch back to Dinah. Maybe after Barbara helps the kids, she gets reminded a bit of Cass.
  6. SomeoneSuspicious
    Yesterday 04:58 AM
    I was thinking that he'd get diapered after he got to the school. We can have it so he's either rooming with his mom, who also acts as his caretaker throughout the experience, or it can be one of the other female staff members who do it. I was also thinking that it'd be an all-boys school with the staff members being entirely female, if that all works for you!
  7. Neran
    Yesterday 04:56 AM
    I feel like let’s just do the Scarabella and Kitty Noire one to cover multiple people at once.

    Also sorry I keep making new ideas.
  8. SomeoneSuspicious
    Yesterday 04:49 AM
    Like I said, totally fine! How about one set in a "diapered academy", where the students are forced to wear diapers and classes center around various diaper-related subjects? It would follow a teen who was just enrolled at that school by his mom (who is a teacher there herself).
  9. Neran
    Yesterday 04:47 AM
    Super, and I think for now let’s just stick with the Scarabella and Kitty Noire idea. Or is there one you want to do?
  10. Neran
    Yesterday 04:44 AM
    Sorry, I’m just a bit hype for season six.

    Thinking the closest thing she has are the UA girls who act as her big sisters. That and Eri.

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    Hey, if you're interested in an RP, just message me.

    Some of the shows I'm into:

    Miraculous Ladybug
    Fairy Tail
    One Piece
    My Hero Academia
    The Owl House
    Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
    Carmen Sandiego (Preferably the 2019 one, but I'm fine with the 90's animated series)
    Code Lyoko

    I'm open to suggestions if you want to do something else, I just might need to see it first so I'm familiar with it.
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  • Join Date: September 25th, 19
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