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PonyVictor PonyVictor is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 1156
  1. Angel Baby
    January 22nd, 25 05:14 PM
    Angel Baby
    The title sounds good as for what she can be I'm not picky
  2. Angel Baby
    January 20th, 25 10:05 PM
    Angel Baby
    You please. .
  3. Angel Baby
    January 20th, 25 08:06 PM
    Angel Baby
    That sounds kind of kinky to be honest I love it
  4. Angel Baby
    January 20th, 25 07:18 PM
    Angel Baby
    If it's ok can I play twilight. ?
  5. Angel Baby
    January 20th, 25 07:05 PM
    Angel Baby
    Sure. .
  6. Diaperlover555
    January 20th, 25 01:39 AM
    Best title I can think, of is pampered pony.
  7. Angel Baby
    January 19th, 25 01:04 AM
    Angel Baby
    I love forced diapering and usage
  8. Angel Baby
    January 18th, 25 10:28 PM
    Angel Baby
    Well I to love mlp and when it comes to mommy's my favorites are Apple jack or Rarity

    When it come to Foals my favorites are pinkie pie or twilight

    Idea: pinkie is so energetic and has a an overactive imagination basically every pony loves the girl but she has become to much to handle so after a town meeting somepony comes up with an idea saying one of friends should treat her like a foal either as a punishment or just to keep her out of danger for them and herself.

    Idea. Number two

    I can imagine twilight in two scenarios one involving a messed up potion that slowly physically regressed her and princess has Apple Jack or Rarity watch over her


    Princess celestia forces twilight into taking a break from constant studying which she of course doesn't know how to do so celestia decided to show twilight by making her dependent by taking away her motor skills and Potty training and hires a baby sitter who will eventually become her mommy
  9. Diaperlover555
    January 17th, 25 02:21 AM
    Sorry for very late reply, been dealing with a cold and, you can start if you'd like, you have more experience so I think it's better.
  10. Angel Baby
    January 17th, 25 01:46 AM
    Angel Baby
    Hello are you available to rp. ?

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  • Last Activity: Today 12:28 AM
  • Join Date: November 1st, 20
  • Referrals: 0


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