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bassboi bassboi is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 99
  1. Yingyangjesse
    June 24th, 24 02:32 AM
    What fandoms are you in. You want to to?
  2. Yingyangjesse
    March 25th, 24 06:54 PM
    Hi would you like to rp
  3. abtaliafan
    February 4th, 19 07:55 PM
    That sounds extremely bizzarre
  4. abtaliafan
    February 4th, 19 12:40 PM
    I'm seeing the pink one
  5. abtaliafan
    January 31st, 19 03:25 AM
    Hey cool profile picture
  6. Tiny Eevee
    October 15th, 18 03:24 AM
    Tiny Eevee

    I would like to do an rp of Bates Motel which is in an alternate universe. Norma was the one who killed Norman’s father. Norman hasn’t killed anyone. They had to move away to alleviate suspicion against Norma. When Norman tries to knock out his mother with a baseball bat during one of his blackout, his mom stops him and ties him to a chair until he can wake up from his blackout.

    Norma gets a mysterious text from her phone, informing her of a therapy can could help Norman’s mental health issues, caused by the tramua from the abuse of his father. When Norman’s father tried to kill Norman, Norma stepped in and saved her child’s life.
    Norma finds a mysterious room in the hotel, that is an adult sized nursery. Inspired by the nursery and the text, she diapers Norman with the diapers she found in the nursery.

    Once Norman wakes up, he is in a crib and cries out to his mom. He soon finds about the therapy his mom is doing for him and that he has to go to school dressed as a baby. Norman isn’t happy with this, so he reluctantly agrees to the baby treatment.
  7. BabyDusty
    August 11th, 18 12:36 PM
    XD. It's "I'm bad, and that's good, I will never be good, but that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be than me."
  8. BabyDusty
    August 8th, 18 02:31 AM
    Hello sir, how are you today?
  9. babyashketchum
    July 14th, 18 05:44 PM
    Ah i see. Thats fine.
  10. babyashketchum
    July 13th, 18 04:19 AM
    *i cross my arms trying to act tough* maybe....

About Me

  • Information
    Hmmm, it says I only get 2000 characters to describe myself so I better make it count. Oh crap! How many is that I've used already? Aw hell....

    Being a denizen of diaperedanime it should be quite obvious I'm into many things A-B/DL related. I sometimes sit and giggle about things that only seem to make sense to me. Take the word britches for example, meaning pants. Where I live it's sometimes pronounced "britchees" with emphasis on the -ees part. Some would say only hillbilly hicks say things like that. As far as I know there's an old timey word "breeches" which also means pants so ha! I'm laughing to the point of tears as I type this....
    the Volunteer State, US
    spanking, diapers, panties, adult baby fetish, heavy metal, punk rock, anime, video games, classic horror movies, pink accessories, bunny rabbits!
    psychotic pink bunny rabbit
  • Signature
    Death is a doorway, time is a window. I will return...


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General Information
  • Last Activity: February 10th, 25 07:14 PM
  • Join Date: July 12th, 08
  • Referrals: 2


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