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Keldamas Tharo Keldamas Tharo is offline

Caeleikolae of Infinite Visions!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 422
  1. Rose Thorns
    October 22nd, 13 02:35 AM
    Rose Thorns
    Hay there how are you?
  2. Ariyamas Tharogaman
    February 7th, 13 04:59 PM
    Ariyamas Tharogaman
    i miss my old account...
  3. Jill Storm Mcnight
    December 15th, 12 12:47 AM
    Jill Storm Mcnight
    Pwease get on Kewdamas
  4. Nova Shine
    October 15th, 12 04:15 AM
    Nova Shine
    Happy DA-versary !
  5. Felix_teh_Fawx
    October 14th, 12 06:35 AM
    *blushes and squirms a little before smiling softly at you* Just fine, you?
  6. apoclypse
    October 14th, 12 06:17 AM
    ummm...ok? nice to meet you to.
  7. Kitty285
    October 14th, 12 02:47 AM
    im wetting in small amounts and its dark yellow, almost orange.
  8. Kitty285
    October 13th, 12 11:12 PM
    i know i need to drink water but i cant, it hurts way to much. and my wet diapers are a lot darker than usual, i dont think thats a good sign.
  9. Kitty285
    October 13th, 12 10:57 PM
    ok. im sorry if im slow but my mouth hurts so bad i havent eaten or had anything to drink for two days.
  10. Kitty285
    October 13th, 12 10:52 PM
    sure, i will join, just send me a link. and the stiches came out way too soon and i have huge holes in my gum now.

About Me

  • Information
    Kamithiyah the werewolf girl and kel'tharo the mysterious time lost creature altered and demented from countless millenia of sights and events untold, he has changed and his other worldly powers have become... darker more sinister and malevolent. he has physically changed too for he is no longer just kel'tharo, he is now thel'gaminus! keeper gaurdian defender lord and god of therrakar.
    steadfast in the silence of the darkness, dont break that silence.
    becoming an omnipotent figure that sees over the innocence and evil of the world.
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  • Signature
    you seek the path that is set aflame and let a blind fool lead, but once you see the truth your freedom be thine answer.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: October 14th, 12 08:35 AM
  • Join Date: October 14th, 11
  • Referrals: 1


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 20

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