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AB Avery AB Avery is offline

unsure how often i'll be about

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 31903
  1. DiaperedPrincess01
    February 1st, 25 02:51 PM
    Nothing much that I can think of, you? Besides thinks you might want to see (fetish and idea wise), and things you might not want to.
  2. DiaperedPrincess01
    February 1st, 25 01:13 PM
    I can take Ann in that case!
    And on the off chance you wanted to also include Sumi and Sophia, I could take Sophia, but no need to definitely use them.
  3. DiaperedPrincess01
    February 1st, 25 04:56 AM
    Good, then I’ll take Kawakami then! And that sounds good to me.
  4. DiaperedPrincess01
    February 1st, 25 01:59 AM
    Ooooh, that’s a super fun idea! Kawakami especially could be incredibly fun there on the outside.
    Have a preference for who you’d take? I can be either.
  5. DiaperedPrincess01
    January 31st, 25 02:11 PM
    I can be a switch! And hmm, I am partial to Haru for one!
  6. DiaperedPrincess01
    January 31st, 25 05:26 AM
    Both good! In that case, I think the Shadow Sae one sounds good, and love the idea of maturity betting throughout it!
  7. DiaperedPrincess01
    January 30th, 25 01:52 PM
    Some definite good ideas there, I’d say! Humiliation is always fun for sure.

    One idea that could be fun is the P5 girls infiltrating Shadow Sae’s palace, except instead of viewing things as a casino, she instead sees things as a giant daycare/nursery due to viewing anyone beneath her as a helpless baby. Naturally, they begin to fall victim to the effects of it…

    Otherwise, I do think the Makoto diaper punishment is fun to go with! Also think the idea of Aigis getting a hidden “mommy mode” activated could be fun, or perhaps a twist where Fuuka installs it for private use with AB desires, only for Aigis to not realize it was supposed to just be a private thing.
  8. DiaperedPrincess01
    January 30th, 25 04:38 AM
    Good picks! For those, I think I’d be most interested in Pokemon or Persona! Anything (characters or ideas) you’d be interested in using?
  9. DiaperedPrincess01
    January 29th, 25 12:35 PM
    I haven’t read them yet, but I’ll have to check them out! And I’d prefer to RP here if that’s alright, but maybe we could move towards Discord in the future!
  10. Emerald
    January 18th, 25 10:19 AM
    Yeah. Sometimes it is rough, but we get through it.

About Me

  • Information
    Hi everybody. I love to RP. I'd prefer it femalexfemale rps and that there are no Anthros.
    I am currently pursuing my masters is social work, focusing on clinical social work to become a counselor. I've had a lot of trauma in my past, and I absolutely am willing to help anyone out who needs an ear to talk to. We're an odd bunch, and it can be hard to find comfort in someone who doesn't really know what can be a major part of your identity.

    I do write on rare occassion, you can find my writings at https://www.deviantart.com/ab-avery/gallery

    please don't just message me with little things like "i'm stinky change me" its just... not fun. I don't want my relationships to just be superficial goofy abdl stuff anymore. I can work with it, but please understand I want to be able to talk like an adult still when I feel thats better for the both of us.
    Gaming, Reading, Rping
    Social Worker in Training
    Roleplaying Status
    All F/F is welcome!
    Roleplaying Position
    Top-based Switch
    Post Length Preference
    Variable, but always quality over quantity
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  • Signature
    A super cute photo. (Credit to Zee Rage Man)


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  • Last Activity: February 17th, 25 09:12 AM
  • Join Date: October 7th, 12
  • Referrals: 0


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