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AlternateCaregiver AlternateCaregiver is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 2981 to 2990 of 2992
  1. kakarot
    December 14th, 15 03:56 PM
    If we do humiliation it needs to be a good idea. Like a relationship built between the two characters where humiliation is involved, but isn't the only factor.
  2. kakarot
    December 14th, 15 03:38 PM
    Do we "have" to go with a humiliation theme?
  3. kakarot
    December 14th, 15 02:51 PM
    Eh. I don't like the idea in general. I have seen the type of thing done before where no one noticed anything when the person needing help can't get help. I think a different plot would be better.
  4. kakarot
    December 14th, 15 12:07 PM
    You're not being difficult, it's just that everyone wants to do humiliation stuff and it gets old after a while. Would the illusion spell cause others to see her in babyish clothes or something? or does it cause Zelda to think she's wearing babyish clothes?
  5. kakarot
    December 14th, 15 07:04 AM
    I don't know Lucinda well, so ideally you would just be using her image. A humiliation institute thing does not sound that great though.

    Who would you play in a hyrule warriors rp?
  6. AB Avery
    December 14th, 15 03:13 AM
    AB Avery
    Pretty much thats all I do. I love humiliation and I only do girl on girl
  7. kakarot
    December 13th, 15 08:37 PM

    We can do humiliation based, or whatever.
  8. kakarot
    December 13th, 15 07:17 PM
    okie dokie. I have a link to shows that I like. I can't always think of a full list, which is why I made it. If you want to look at it and pick one we share interest in.
  9. kakarot
    December 13th, 15 04:53 PM
    Are you playing the girl?
    Try another anime/show. Sadly I don't know much about blue exorcist.
  10. kakarot
    December 13th, 15 01:01 PM
    Hello, what kind of rp are you open to? Into?

About Me

  • Information
    Availble to rp but not on here prefer discord or f-list. Every player I rp with on these sites should be +18.

    I'm just someone who mostly prefers the caretaker role and takes care of people to make them happy, even if it's just through talking or such things.

    I'm mostly here for Role Playing. I can write interesting stuff with an interesting storyline, stuff with someone being tortured and humiliated... Sometimes I give them a happy ending, and I write cute stuff too. I preferred working with a female character in one point but mostly with them as a sub, I usually go for a Dom role but I also like an even rp where there is a Dom and a sub for each player. I am not afraid to try to play the sub in an rp if wished, but unsure if its for me yet. (Profile pic by ALMpsp, it can be found here... https://diaperedanime.com/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/25390/title/gardevoir/cat/630 avatar by BunnyboyDL94, http://bunnyboydl94.deviantart.com/art/Poke-Month-Part-9-657939716 )
    On this planet of mine..... I think?
    Gaming, Internet exploring (one thing being watching videos).
    Roleplaying Status
    Slowly getting back in.
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  • Signature
    I am often on discord these days If you are interested on friending me on discord for rps or something then here I am: skywatch5
    Just reach out and try to friend me there and I’ll try chatting either ya!


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General Information
  • Last Activity: February 5th, 25 03:49 AM
  • Join Date: December 10th, 15
  • Referrals: 0


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  • AB Avery
    • AB Avery
    • unsure how often i'll be about
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