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abtaliafan abtaliafan is offline

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  1. Mahiro
    January 31st, 20 10:31 PM
    Nah I’m not really interested love I’m not a huge fan of babying male character
  2. Mahiro
    January 31st, 20 10:22 PM
    I’ve seen fma 2003 idk what we’d rp for in it tho
  3. Mahiro
    January 31st, 20 10:00 PM
    Overlord, saga of tanya the evil, issekai quartet, ranma 1/2, dragon ball gt/z/super, and a few other shows? But those are the ones I like rn
  4. Mahiro
    January 31st, 20 09:53 PM
    Sure what about hon?
  5. Bandit Keith
    January 31st, 20 05:05 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Well okay then I have yet to see that anime or read the manga that has him in it... Just haven't had the chance been meaning to get to it at some piont... Aware of him though for varies reasons...
  6. Bandit Keith
    January 31st, 20 04:59 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Humm what show is this? I ask as that description brings to mind afew Characters I am aware of in best western and Eastern Media
  7. Bandit Keith
    January 31st, 20 04:51 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Best to be one we create .. that or a background character that's Fairy who hasn't any assigned kid atleast one that we are aware of or know of at this time...
  8. abtaliafan
    January 31st, 20 04:47 PM
    Sure i dont really mind should it be one that we create? Cause it would be kind of weird if it was a canon fairy
  9. Bandit Keith
    January 31st, 20 04:39 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Sorry I rambled and was a chatterbox on the matter .. just wanted my thoughts clear and explained on the matter... So hum would you be open to including Dani getting at least one Fairy Godparent?
  10. Bandit Keith
    January 31st, 20 03:47 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I am aware of that but honestly that was at the point staff on the series stopped caring about the worlds rules,logic and established lore where they often make rather half-baked excuses to justify stuff at times they don't even try to properly... They even seemed to stop trying to keep things consistent too boot, while also greatly flanderizing characters to the point some are worse flanderized then Simpson Characters have gotten.. …

    Anyway your point while valid is why I mentioned the things I did in my last VM that was Charater you mention seems to be the point in the cartoon that shown the staff on the cartoon completely stopped caring about any of the lore and consistency when they made Chloe so perfect and beloved she was basically a textbook example of the ''Mary Sue/Gary Stu'' Character trope that once was only truly a thing of fanfiction but has creep into nearly all forms of official products at this point .. But I digrees for the most part on that ..

    If we want to look at this in a proper way lets see here .. a better question is why Chloe got a shared Fairy scenario and Tootie from what I recall and am aware never truly got any despite by all accounts the show goes out of its way to say Tootie is Vickies Sister and makes it clue Vicky is a monster to them all.. To such a degree they all fear her and know she might kill them(Yeah afew episodes make it clear they are aware Vicky would kill them if they aren't careful) but hadn't ever had any properly that was ever meant to be permanent when the matter was questioned in the cartoon itself …

    So yeah you kinda have to pick when we are pulling from on facts for this matter … Personally I'd say either way Dani does indeed qualify for sure to have Fairy Godparents

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    Well I'm a girl and I'm interested in anime abdl and video game abdl and I love to rp very much despite not being good at it.
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  • Join Date: September 10th, 16
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