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Course, I can partially imagine the idea of mutations could potentially forcefully cause a bit of draconic traits to pop up here and there, but I imagine you also have some ideas for potential changes as well.
Ooh, that could be interesting too! Lacking proper guidance and the strength required, so their new mommy will be there to help guide them and grow. All while making sure that they get the best care that they can get.
Mhm, there definitely would have to be. As for why she would do it…either seeing the potential in the adventurer, noticing something special about them, or just finding them oh so adorable would work. Like say for example, maybe if she finds a rebellious princess trying to act the part, she takes in her in as her little one either due to seeing something in her, or due to playing up the idea of a dragon taking the princess hostage, when in reality she’s acting as her new motherly figure to help her.
Well, the other idea I had was that an adventurer of any class or rank tries to challenge a dragon woman, only to be overwhelmed by her might. But instead of, say, eating the adventurer, she decides to act as their mother, babying them and traveling alongside them to make sure that they don’t get themselves hurt too badly. Making purchases for them, helping with their class training, singing soothing lullabies to get them to sleep, things like that.
Hello all. I am a frequent roleplayer. I do roleplays for anime, games, and even original ideas if i like the idea itself. I usually roleplay with OCs made specifically for that rp, be it original or based off of anything. I roleplay with m/f and f/f.
Hello all. I am a frequent roleplayer. I do roleplays for anime, games, and even original ideas if i like the idea itself. I usually roleplay with OCs made specifically for that rp, be it original or based off of anything. I roleplay with m/f and f/f.