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Babygabrial Babygabrial is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 5693
  1. Emerald
    September 29th, 23 09:29 PM
    It certainly does make it a lot more difficult, yes. I could try to change that idea a bit, or I could list off another one I had.
  2. Emerald
    September 29th, 23 09:19 PM
    I suppose that’s a fair way to look at it. Definitely does kind of make the guild seem a bit ridiculous in terms of what they allow and what they don’t. I kind of moreso imagined that those who end up needing to be treated that way are moreso due to the fact that they keep failing missions or being knocked out, things like that. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine. I can try to think of other ones.
  3. Emerald
    September 29th, 23 08:50 PM
    Well, part of me is thinking of the sort of idea of some sort of fantasy-styled adventurer's guild with specific rankings, but the members of the guild who aren't able to do anything to help or seem like weak members are picked up by higher ranks to be their little babies, intentionally padding them up and making it so they can hardly do much but can still contribute. Essentially hand-holding them throughout any mission they can do.
  4. Emerald
    September 29th, 23 08:33 PM
    Well, I'll first start by asking what you'd want to be and how old your character would be, just to make sure. I can think of certain ideas for certain ages, after all.
  5. Emerald
    September 29th, 23 06:28 PM
    Adventurous, huh? I could definitely try to think of a few things for that…unless you already have a few ideas of your own?
  6. Emerald
    September 29th, 23 07:19 AM
    I suppose that's fine with me. I can certainly try to be the caregiver then in whatever it is we do next.
  7. Emerald
    September 28th, 23 10:42 PM
    Mhm, the roles would definitely be one of the first things we discuss.
  8. Emerald
    September 28th, 23 01:34 AM
    I am willing to do something new as well if that’s what you wish, yeah.
  9. Emerald
    September 27th, 23 03:21 PM
    I suppose I should ask if you’re willing to continue what we were doing, but I’m willing to take a break on that if you’re not feeling it.
  10. Little Rei
    September 25th, 23 09:27 PM
    Little Rei
    Damn all those wwe releases man

About Me

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    Hello all. I am a frequent roleplayer. I do roleplays for anime, games, and even original ideas if i like the idea itself. I usually roleplay with OCs made specifically for that rp, be it original or based off of anything. I roleplay with m/f and f/f.
    The Land Of Hugs And Kisses
    Music, gaming, anime
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  • Last Activity: April 27th, 24 11:29 AM
  • Join Date: March 3rd, 18
  • Referrals: 0


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