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theJozza theJozza is offline

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  1. GreaterGood
    May 8th, 24 02:49 PM
    I was actually kind of thinking the opposite for the main caretaker, just as a suggestion. Like, I kinda pictured her as being coddly to the point of not wanting him to be bothered with any adult responsibilities to the point where she ties him up to keep him from, say, doing chores and being able to easily move around, or just because she finds it cute and silly. Like, she has a hard time seeing how he couldn't like all of this because she's being so nice to him, and he looks so gosh-darn cute through all of this.
  2. PonyVictor
    May 8th, 24 02:40 PM
    Hmm… most sexual I’m willing to do is bondage, so maybe half-sexual is fine. Can we have Cheerilee unwilling to use diapers?
  3. Yingyangjesse
    May 8th, 24 12:40 PM
    What other ideas do you have for the rp
  4. GreaterGood
    May 8th, 24 12:19 PM
    So, out of curiosity, are there any particular personalities you have in mind for your characters? There are some in my head, but I'd love to hear your take first!
  5. Yingyangjesse
    May 8th, 24 12:01 PM
    And sure that idea sounds good
  6. Yingyangjesse
    May 8th, 24 11:55 AM
    Oops I meant Brittney sorry these mean girl names sound the same to me
  7. GreaterGood
    May 8th, 24 05:21 AM
    After giving it a bit of consideration, you're right, we don't need any form of central authority, I just kinda liked the idea of the two of them having a particularly strong bond. I was thinking I could play the secretary and you could be her baby, so that she could sorta be a kind of big sister, actually enjoys being babied and likes her mommy influence while the secretary gets to have fun with her boss, cooing over watching their babies play.

    I'd also like it if there was some sort of community of baby-slave owners in their local area. Not anything crazy like a central bureaucracy, just a group of recurring characters who host things like playdates and birthday parties and send all of their baby-slaves to the same daycare, if that makes sense?
  8. PonyVictor
    May 8th, 24 03:37 AM
    Hmm... Applejack might be a more fitting choice. Sure, we can do something about somepony wanting a foal.
  9. GreaterGood
    May 7th, 24 11:38 PM
    Oh also, I meant that the secretary would be a caregiver to her own baby. Like, part of the reason why she wants one in the first place is because she really likes the relationship between her secretary and her baby. Instead of being a rescue, maybe she's just kinda, like, clingy to the secretary when she's around other adults?
  10. GreaterGood
    May 7th, 24 10:46 PM
    I can get behind all that! Though I keep forgetting I'm in a little deeper on the baby slave lore than most lol. I also like the idea of there being some kind of, like, club of baby slave owners so we could do stuff like daycares

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