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theJozza theJozza is offline

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  1. Random24
    February 6th, 25 01:57 AM
    That sounds good to me. Were you thinking Horde or more bandits? I can edit my post to add someone in as the leader again if you want, I wasn't sure which group you were thinking was there.

    I like the idea! I can see Adora getting a bit confused at first or not being able to sell the idea so well when she tries going along with Catra, so Catra can sort of lean more into it or they just say something about Adora being the 'older' one but still needing to keep an eye on them.

    That's fair, I'm sorry it was stagnating, that's my bad. I was enjoying the slower burn but I'm keen to see where this all goes so I'm not complaining about the change.

    That's actually pretty close to what I was imagining actually haha. Like maybe Perfuma catches something or flusters Scorpia somehow with being nice and Scorpia lets something slip she shouldn't have. There's a number of different ways to play it out, which I think is cute. I'm good either way, if you'd prefer playing Perfuma I can play Catra. I can imagine the two of them having some mixed reactions about Perfuma knowing/participating.

    Some other ideas I had were with Bow and Glimmer finding out, maybe after some prodding when Adora's been sketchy on some of the details for a few days or has been hanging out with Catra/Scorpia more than what her normal routine might've been. Or Adora's training with her She-Ra stuff not going to plan if she ends up padded while transformed again and can't get it to stop.

    Maybe Catra and Scorpia are held in the same room as Shadow Weaver for a bit and that triggers some stuff for Catra, or she tries to lash out and needs to be separated for a bit. Or SW tries to get in their heads a bit and knows something's up, and Scorpia helps encourage the two to stand up to SW or they both otherwise lean on her for help, I imagine Catra especially.

    Maybe Adora tries to talk more with Light Hope or Razz about the stuff with Mara and the message she got from the ship. If Catra comes along going to LH, it might be she's viewed more as a problem/distraction for Adora. While Razz might continue to view Catra or even Adora as babies while they keep up with her when she's talking about Mara, which could lead to some cute moments if they haven't been totally honest with whoever's with them.
    There's also the whole Horde angle to look more into or them trying to help Scorpia get her kingdom back or rescue some of the Horde kids. (Which leads into a whole longer term idea I'd had about it eventually leading to the whole portal back to the main universe but who gets captured by Prime could change, but that might be because I like the idea of diapers in space a lot too.)

    Most of those I don't expect us to actually do, just tossing ideas out there of some She-Ra stuff I'd been considering.
  2. GreaterGood
    February 5th, 25 12:33 AM
    Yeah! Or at least, after he's put to bed
  3. GreaterGood
    February 4th, 25 09:36 PM
    Oh, how would you feel about doing a scene where Akechi first gets picked up and babied by Makoto and Ryuji? I was thinking of doing a similar one with Futaba before her playdate with Yusuke where we just go through that happy family's normal routine too
  4. Yingyangjesse
    February 4th, 25 02:20 PM
    It’s ok I understand sorry
  5. Yingyangjesse
    February 4th, 25 01:54 PM
    Hi do you want to rp?
  6. Neran
    February 4th, 25 03:23 AM
    Super, just wanted to make sure you didn’t wanna do anything different.
  7. Neran
    February 4th, 25 02:49 AM
    I can edit my post if you want.
  8. AB Avery
    February 3rd, 25 11:42 PM
    AB Avery
    Its cool! Like I said, I just wanted to be sure is all
  9. Ultrasonic16
    February 3rd, 25 11:40 PM
    Sure we can do that I was thinking of her as a babysitter but that works.
  10. Ultrasonic16
    February 3rd, 25 11:38 PM
    Well I assume she'd be Luz's friend so might be best if you play her.

    I can also be Lilith if we need her since she'd probably interact with Eda more or maybe be a Nanny to Amity

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