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Hey! Been trying to message you on discord for awhile, but you haven’t been responding. Everything okay? As I said over there, we don’t have to RP anymore if you don’t wanna, just want to check in to make sure you’re alright.
Super, I might do this for some of the others so it helps them keep their boys in line. Speaking of which, do you want the relationship between the diapered boys and their respective caretakers to be like a mother son type of thing?
Also what do you think of me giving Ochako a slight power boost. Nothing major just the ability to manipulate the gravity of anything she touches. Only for one object at a time of course.
Super, I’m thinking we only do the six main girls for now. Ochako gets Bakugo, Momo gets todoroki, Mina gets Kirishima,Tsuyu gets Tokoyami, or someone else if you want, Kyoka gets Kaminari, do you want to have Toruu get Midoriya or bring in Hatsume and have Toruń take care of someone else?
This isn’t set in stone I just think this is just a good basis
Hi and welcome to my profile! A few things about me- I main as bakugo in role plays BUT I can play other characters. I have Oc's as well (if that kind of rp ever comes up). I like all kinds of fandoms, there are too many to name so ask and I'll provide you with a yes or no awnser.
Some place trying to stop my brain from going a million miles a hour.
Hi and welcome to my profile! A few things about me- I main as bakugo in role plays BUT I can play other characters. I have Oc's as well (if that kind of rp ever comes up). I like all kinds of fandoms, there are too many to name so ask and I'll provide you with a yes or no awnser.
Some place trying to stop my brain from going a million miles a hour.