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BigBabyBakugo BigBabyBakugo is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 484
  1. Neran
    January 26th, 23 04:51 PM
    Do you wish to do an Rp together?
  2. Amanda Grace
    January 17th, 23 02:28 PM
    Amanda Grace
    Not hurrying you, but... what do you think of it? Would you like to do it?
  3. Neran
    January 10th, 23 07:51 PM
    Actually, would it be cool if I was Bakugo? Or do you want to be him?
  4. Neran
    January 10th, 23 05:45 PM
    Okay, do you want to be Bakugo or should I?
  5. Neran
    January 9th, 23 08:36 PM
    Depends on which one we do. I’m thinking for the one with the kid they end up sparring in private and he has an accident. For the villain fight not manifesting until later, she’s checking on him and he has an accident.
  6. Neran
    January 9th, 23 07:32 PM
    I’m thinking a kid accidentally hits him with a quirk or he gets hit during a fight and it doesn’t manifest till later.
  7. Neran
    January 9th, 23 07:04 PM
    Yeah, I’m thinking Ochaco. I’ve seen a lot where it’s Kirishima or Izuku finds out and I like those but I want to try something new.
  8. Neran
    January 9th, 23 06:49 PM
    This is true, I was thinking he gets affected by a quirk that makes him lose control of himself.
  9. Neran
    January 7th, 23 09:33 PM
    Hey, I saw your idea for “the new katsuki.” Would you be interested in doing that with me?
  10. MyNinjaAcademia
    December 23rd, 22 06:41 AM
    Hey, not sure what happened, but it’s been kind of a while, you doing okay?

About Me

  • Information
    Hi and welcome to my profile! A few things about me- I main as bakugo in role plays BUT I can play other characters. I have Oc's as well (if that kind of rp ever comes up). I like all kinds of fandoms, there are too many to name so ask and I'll provide you with a yes or no awnser.
    Some place trying to stop my brain from going a million miles a hour.
    Roleplaying Status
    Yes! Always!
    Roleplaying Position
    Bottom-based Switch
    Post Length Preference
    More than one sentence.
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  • Signature
    Remember, Bad times are just times that are bad.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: February 12th, 25 06:53 AM
  • Join Date: April 26th, 20
  • Referrals: 0


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