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Baby_Andre Baby_Andre is offline

Lord of Lust

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 552
  1. Felix0409
    May 15th, 22 02:40 PM
    Okay! Thank you pal!!!
  2. Felix0409
    May 13th, 22 11:32 AM
    Yes you can use OC’s, also do you by chance have discord? I’m more active on that.
  3. Felix0409
    May 12th, 22 04:13 AM
    Were you still interested in a Genshin RP?
  4. Lira the Lost
    September 6th, 21 04:47 AM
    Lira the Lost
    We still gonna be doing the RP mate?
  5. Diapered Avenger
    August 30th, 21 09:38 PM
    Diapered Avenger
    Are we still doing the fantasy RP?
  6. Diapered Avenger
    July 6th, 21 10:50 PM
    Diapered Avenger
    Thank you. I like your character too. I'm really looking forward to this.
  7. Lira the Lost
    July 5th, 21 11:44 PM
    Lira the Lost
    We just need to find one or two more people to start the RP!!!
  8. Diaper Beast
    June 28th, 21 03:29 AM
    Diaper Beast
    Howdy there. Saw your ad and thought I'd say hello.

    Would love to get to know you and sus out some RPs. Feel free to message me.
  9. Lira the Lost
    June 22nd, 21 05:15 AM
    Lira the Lost
    Kinda helps that I've been a DM IRL for the past 18 years.
  10. Lira the Lost
    June 22nd, 21 05:14 AM
    Lira the Lost
    Really looking forward to the group RP, if we can ever get enough people together ^_^

About Me

  • Information
    Just an open minded guy, Bi, with a preference for women, aspiring to be a great sexologist, really in contact with my feminine side, i can roleplay as any type of character, also into Furries (My fursona is a Sharktopus), dollification, BDSM, Humiliation and many others.
    Sexology, Geeky stuff, cute stuff, animals, sweets and bakery and many many more
    Roleplaying Status
    LF Roleplays
    Roleplaying Position
    Post Length Preference
    Open to any lenght
  • User Settings
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General Information
  • Last Activity: October 10th, 23 10:17 PM
  • Join Date: September 22nd, 09
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 29

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