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baby neko kitten baby neko kitten is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 45
  1. croc kojitsu
    November 26th, 10 05:58 PM
    croc kojitsu
    sure i guess so......
  2. croc kojitsu
    November 25th, 10 08:39 PM
    croc kojitsu
    a what rp????..........
  3. croc kojitsu
    November 19th, 10 02:12 PM
    croc kojitsu
    um sure i don't mind
  4. Ace615
    November 19th, 10 02:00 AM
    I'm sorry, but I can't make your decisions for you. Use your favorite colors and thing for decorating your room.
  5. Ace615
    November 18th, 10 03:23 PM
    It is actually entirely up to you to describe your room. But start off with the color of the wallsand any special designs on them, then describe the furniture in the room. Color, type of furniture, what kind of sheets are on the bed. then describe any extra items in the room of your choice, like stuffed animals, a vanity, things like that.
  6. Ace615
    November 16th, 10 10:32 PM
    Here's an example of a detailed bio.

    Name: Hikari Lyn Ellis

    Age: 17

    Race: Succubus

    Gender: Female

    Body Types: Fit, Athletic build with lean but powerful muscle, average height, Lavender bat-like wings, lavender arrowhead-tipped tail, Mid C-cup Breasts

    Hair: Lavender, Shoulder length, straight, tucked behind the ears

    Eyes: Pale Lavender, Silver, round pupil

    Medical Information: No known allergies, HIV Negative, Blood-type O positive, Negative for AIDS

    Diapers: None needed, nor any desire to wear them

    Likes: Friendship, Children, Making friends

    Dislikes: Those who use their strength to opress the weak and innocent, Those who abuse or harm children

    Clothing: Usually Lavender tank top with dark lavender bra underneath, Dark Lavender jean shorts with lavender panties

    Personality: Very friendly, Motherly, Willing to help any child in need

    Special Abilities: Omnilinguistic (Able to communicate and understand all languages, dead, animal or otherwise), Strong Psychic Abilities (Telepathy, the ability to communicate with the mind, and telekinesis, the abilty to manipulate objects with the mind), Heightened senses
  7. Ace615
    November 16th, 10 10:20 PM
    That's perfectly ok with me. Just please provide a detailed bio including hair color, fur color, eye color, and such, in you first post.
  8. Ace615
    November 16th, 10 10:10 PM
    You could start with your character roaming around the alleys of the city, at which time my character will find her in a location of your choice.
  9. Ace615
    November 16th, 10 09:49 PM
    Alright. Just so you know, i let my rp partners start any rp, so they can set the mood and scene.
  10. Ace615
    November 16th, 10 09:27 PM
    It's no problem.So what do you think?

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    gravion is awsome!


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  • Last Activity: December 15th, 10 10:53 PM
  • Join Date: November 12th, 10
  • Referrals: 0


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