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LittleJai LittleJai is offline

The Phantom of the RP

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 664
  1. DestinySeraphim
    October 17th, 13 07:27 AM
    *Noms Affectionately Out of Boredom*
  2. pamperednaruto01
    September 23rd, 13 04:52 AM
    Ltns....how have you been?
  3. PaddedPrinceling Joey
    July 25th, 13 05:49 AM
    PaddedPrinceling Joey
    Hai! Hai! It's a pleasure, Jae! I'm obviously Joey! <3
  4. likes to be babysat
    June 18th, 13 04:12 AM
    likes to be babysat
    It's sooo nice to see you.... How are you?
  5. grandsword
    June 17th, 13 11:29 PM
    hello madam. i've watched a few of your rps, and i must say..your skills are impressive.
  6. DestinySeraphim
    June 7th, 13 10:37 PM
    Floop Doop Whoop Moop. I can't talk to you on Skype at all~ Cause I sent you a message at 8:02AM my time and it's 8:37AM my time now. Not to mention I dunno if you're online or offline cause invisible so yeah. TLDR: I can't communicate with you on Skype so I'm not gonna respond to messages on Skype cause I'm not going to wait half an hour for a message to get through to you. Cause everyone else I can talk to just fine.
  7. DestinySeraphim
    June 7th, 13 08:51 AM
    Sleep well, Jai-Jai~ *nuzzles*
  8. DestinySeraphim
    June 7th, 13 08:47 AM
    Up. :3 And Ciel and Medwyn have another sibling. Well Alun has a twin.

    Meet... Yves
    He fights a lot with Alun. Yves uses tonfas to handle his immense strength and prevent him from killing everyone since his primary weapon is originally a sword. And compared to Alun he is rather... violent. To the point where Alun would normally beat the shit out of someone who tormented his siblings, but Yves would use his sword and kill the bastards who did it... which has resulted in fighting between Alun and Yves.

    So here... have cross dressing Ciel (Chibi did this randomly. xD ) http://sta.sh/0ogyc95fnfu
  9. DestinySeraphim
    June 7th, 13 08:40 AM
    But in all seriousness...
    I blame Re:Coded cause I saw kids had more normal clothes than Sora so I used IMVU to model Ciel's redesign...

    Also for some ABDL content for him. > V >
    Also Arc'hantael is now Ciel's grandson instead of his 200 years descendant. And Arc'hantael's mom/Ciel's daughter is good with explosives and her name is Milli. :3
  10. DestinySeraphim
    June 7th, 13 08:24 AM
    Now Ciel's more or less a full blonde with shorter hair~ <3 :P

About Me

  • Information
    First and foremost: I am incontinent. This makes me a fairly good go-to person for diaper advice. Second: I am friendly. I love people, especially nice ones, and will not hesitate to be overly happy and cheerful. Third: I RP, so shoot me a PM!
    Somewhere FLIPPIN' HOT!
    Roleplay, fanfiction, X-Men, Kingdom Hearts
    Actress, artist and writer
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  • Signature
    I am a roleplayer, but I am also juggling almost ten RPs with a busy life. So no, I'm afraid I WON't RP with you unless we already have one going. I'm just that mean. Deal with it.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: October 1st, 14 01:29 PM
  • Join Date: February 21st, 11
  • Referrals: 0


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