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Rika Rika is offline

Chatty Kitten

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 7225
  1. Jbone77777
    April 30th, 20 03:09 PM
    Hey Rika it’s been a bit how’ve you been?
  2. The_Silence
    March 18th, 20 04:27 PM
    Hey there! I know it's been a while! But I hope you're doing well! Just thought I'd pop in and say hello.
  3. Kagemaru okami
    March 9th, 20 06:19 PM
    Kagemaru okami
    Hey long time no see how have you been
  4. DiaperedMarceline
    February 28th, 20 08:46 AM
    Oof, my account's pretty much dead since everyone in the abdl community left this page. You know who cradlwillrock is? this guy? https://www.deviantart.com/cradlwillrock you know anyone who has his super old art from 2010-2014 or something? He deleted them a long time ago.
  5. pink nappies
    December 20th, 19 05:16 PM
    pink nappies
    Yeah, a long time for sure! I'm nearly done with the first chapter of that comic though. Should be ready by new year.
  6. ALBOE
    December 18th, 19 05:26 PM
    I play Xbox in the meantime
  7. MingleMonster
    December 13th, 19 04:38 AM
    Yeeeeah, always. >: 3

    It’s been okay. Some days are rockier than others in all fairness, and sometimes Daddy isn’t exactly the most fair. >.<‘ We’re working on it though, and I still love him very much of course.
  8. Chibi Tom
    December 13th, 19 12:59 AM
    Chibi Tom
    Pretty fucking stressful to be honest, how about you?
  9. MingleMonster
    December 11th, 19 09:35 PM
    Have you been seeing my latest RPs? They’re
    Both quite popular, Barbosasdaughter and I decided to make one another's RP requests come true. She wanted a clean RP where she gets to be babied by Miles Maitland and I of course wanted my machine stuff. Well I got it! They’re great at writing and I’m having a blast in both RPs.

    Do check them out if you want some good reading material, I think we both do a bang up job. :3 You can find them by searching my posts but if you search by threads then you’ll only see one of the two since they made the other one.

    You been okay? Staying wet, being a good girl?
  10. ALBOE
    December 11th, 19 12:05 AM
    Sadly not really just waiting until Christmas because I'm going to be getting a Nintendo Switch

About Me

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    Hmm.... Yeah I got nothin. if you read this leave me a message, I love to talk ^^

    I've got a discord to, remember to ask for it!
    In a very very scary pla-BOO!!
    Roleplaying Status
    Yeah sure, message and ask
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    Bottom / Submissive
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  • Last Activity: December 15th, 19 07:58 PM
  • Join Date: August 2nd, 11
  • Referrals: 1


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