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Rose Thorns Rose Thorns is offline

Shy little bunny neko

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13272
  1. sweetykins
    April 21st, 22 07:35 PM
    Awww, yah, lill one, Im Sweety, was up?
  2. Kagemaru okami
    November 6th, 19 05:14 AM
    Kagemaru okami
    Seeing this kage sighs , what's the matter now girls
  3. Kagemaru okami
    October 7th, 19 08:05 PM
    Kagemaru okami
    Hoes to his office to check on some paperwork
  4. Kagemaru okami
    October 3rd, 19 06:30 PM
    Kagemaru okami
    Ok squirt go and play with your sisters ok
  5. Kagemaru okami
    September 19th, 19 03:12 PM
    Kagemaru okami
    Picking daisy up he blows a raspberry on her tummy before setting her down, daisy all you need to know I's that I love all of you ok
  6. Kagemaru okami
    September 10th, 19 06:06 PM
    Kagemaru okami
    Not knowing how best to answer the question, your one of my girls and that's all that matters
  7. Kagemaru okami
    September 5th, 19 01:08 PM
    Kagemaru okami
    Knowing full well the routine he takes daisy to get changed
  8. Kagemaru okami
    September 4th, 19 03:18 AM
    Kagemaru okami
    Good morning daisy did you sleep ok, kisses her forehead scooping her up
  9. Kagemaru okami
    August 11th, 19 01:20 AM
    Kagemaru okami
    Holds her close and kisses her forehead
  10. Kagemaru okami
    July 11th, 19 11:04 AM
    Kagemaru okami
    Wraps mine with yours and pinky promises

About Me

  • Information
    I am Rose Mcnight. I am painfully shy if you say hi I will most Likely squeak or hide. I can't do anything without my Snowy she is my little plush bunnie. And I do love being a toddler. I'm the newest Mcnight and vary nervous but I hope I'll fit in. . . Eventually.
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  • Signature
    Mix Tape


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General Information
  • Last Activity: December 26th, 19 09:56 PM
  • Join Date: December 31st, 11
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 53

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