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Mardozer725 Mardozer725 is offline

Pamper fox

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 6130
  1. Skarlet
    November 28th, 24 07:27 AM
    (I do have a discord actually! Also what AOTK announcement? I don't use that site)

    Takuya blushed realizing that Alicia had noticed her and quickly shook her head to dispel such siy thoughts "N-no nothing like that!" Takuya admitted going back to quietly help clean
  2. Skarlet
    November 25th, 24 06:55 AM
    (But I will try to be on! No promises though!)

    Takuya sighed happily that the kids listened no one ever needed to face Alicia's spanking hands they were definitely weapons of war and bottom destruction
  3. Skarlet
    November 24th, 24 06:19 AM
    (Hey Marz i might not be on this week cause of the Holiday rush so if I don't see ya happy Thanksgiving!)
  4. Skarlet
    November 21st, 24 07:37 AM
    Takuya sighed happily in relief that Alicia would know what to say to them as she noticed the children put the pie albeit reluctantly down
  5. Skarlet
    November 17th, 24 06:55 AM
    Takuya watched the children having a small pie fight part of her wanted to join in while a other part of her wanted to tell them to stop as they didn't know what was wrong with the pie
  6. Skarlet
    November 17th, 24 06:42 AM
    Takuya was of course on her best behavior was it because of the spanking threat earlier or because she was in public Alicia didn't know but she seemed determined to help if she could
  7. Skarlet
    November 17th, 24 05:53 AM
    Takuya nodded her head going to help some people clean up the pie mess
  8. Skarlet
    November 17th, 24 05:43 AM
    Takuya nodded her head it seemed that's how the princesses attacked each other in their war with very...unconventional weaponry "Should we fire back with more destructive pies?" She asked Alicia
  9. Skarlet
    November 17th, 24 05:12 AM
    Takuya sighed glad that it was over so quickly which definitely meant less embarrassment as she took Alicia's hand as she was taken outside the castle unlike the neko kingdom which ran on magic, the dog Kingdom ran on steam and technology she sighed as she saw the people cleaning up from the last pie attack they had
  10. Skarlet
    November 17th, 24 04:44 AM
    Takuya was thankfully clean especially since she had been diapered recently as she blushed deeply at being checked looking around to make sure no servants saw her...she still tried to keep some of her reputation up. "J-just hurry up please" She said with a soft whine

    (If you are magically still on I'll be back in about 10-15 minutes gotta shower)

About Me

  • Information
    I've been here a pretty good while and I think i have a pretty good idea how to rp, I'm open to new ideas, but just a fair warning I don't do sexual anything really, just baby stuffs.
    Wherever I may roam
    Diapers, Spanking, Pokemon (Not humans), Digimon (not humans), Furries
    Roleplaying Status
    Open for ideas!
    Roleplaying Position
    Bottom-based Switch
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  • Last Activity: January 28th, 25 01:19 AM
  • Join Date: September 28th, 12
  • Referrals: 0


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