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November 26th, 24 03:27 PM
Hi would you be interested in a RWBY rp. .?
Sure! That’s fine and all~ It depends on if the Idol group would be a student-ran project like Love Live! Or would it be something more professional - would their ages be around the same high-school age(?)
I think it might be fun if it’s character dependent! Maybe the group invites those that need them in some way? I think it might be cute to have a character that doesn’t actually need them but because they joined without knowing ends up wearing them?
It’s fineee, take all the time you nee! In my opinion, around 3-4 is probably the most ideal for the group! I think the first thing to be discussed is why they’ll be wearing diapers in the first place(?)
Hiyaaaa, I saw you were interested in the Idol idea?
To answer the question you asked; I think OC should be better for this one!
Heyo, how ya doin best buddy?~
Hey how are you? I’d love to get back into roleplaying whenever you’re available!
Hey welcome back , nice seeing you again
Yay your back want to continue our rp?
Hey how are you? Would you wanna continue our Lillie rp?