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RockyRhodes RockyRhodes is offline

Junior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. toxic34
    May 2nd, 24 01:14 PM
    These are what I do RPs for:
    -The following Disney animated films: Robin Hood, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas, Hercules, Mulan, Tarzan, Treasure Planet, Tangled, Frozen, Big Hero 6, Moana
    -101 Dalmatians (1996 live action film, Cruella rehabilitation-centric)
    -Anastasia (1997 Don Bluth animated film)
    -The Legend of Zelda
    -Fire Emblem Awakening
    -Yu-Gi-Oh (original series, ancient Egypt and modern day)
    -Code Lyoko
    -Totally Spies
    -Miraculous Ladybug
    -Jem (Original animated series)
    -Teen Titans (Original Series)
    -Star Wars AU RPs (Anakin/Padme centric)
    -Final Fantasy 7, 10, 10-2, 12, 13, 15
    -Kingdom Hearts
    -Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli films: Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind, Castle In The Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle
    -Sailor Moon
    -Black Butler
    -Fullmetal Alchemist
    -Soul Eater
    -Attack On Titan
    -Neon Genesis Evangelion
    -Chevalier D'Eon
    -Chivalry Of A Failed Knight
    -Princess Ai
    -Historical fiction pieces (may be alone or connected with Assassin's Creed)
    -Winx Club
    -Zoids (Rudolph and Marian centric)

    Right now, I'm definitely in the mood to do RPs based on Disney films, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Black Butler, things of that nature.
  2. LittleBug
    April 20th, 24 10:19 PM
    Works for me! Here you go https://diaperedanime.com/forum/show...75#post4685075 whenever you're ready.
  3. LittleBug
    April 18th, 24 08:36 PM
    Works for me! We can give Maki getting padded up down the line a try if that interests you. Other than that though, I don't think there's anything else I have off the top of my head.
  4. LittleBug
    April 18th, 24 07:23 PM
    Yeah, that would make sense. I could take Kaito if you feel most comfortable with Shuichi, then Maki could go to either of us.
  5. LittleBug
    April 18th, 24 05:36 PM
    Of course! Training trio is a fun dynamic, so I'd be down to play with/as any of them. I haven't play Maki before, so while I wouldn't mind giving her a shot if we do have her involved, I may be pretty rusty at her just to note, haha.
  6. LittleBug
    April 18th, 24 03:11 PM
    Hi there, nice to meet you too! I'm always open for a Dangan rp so we can totally work something out.

    That sounds like an interesting idea! I'd be down to go with the route of a character recommending regression to another as a way for them to cope, as well as adding an established carer in the mix if we choose to do so. I wouldn't mind taking on the role depending on what characters you may specifically want to include in the rp, or if you would rather have the role, that's fine too!

    Yeah, while I don't mind more kinky play, I gravitate towards wholesome play much more, so we can skip that all together.

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    He/Him, 22
    USA, EST Timezone
    Music, Gaming, WWE, Writing, Analysis
    Roleplaying Status
    RP's I'm currently in: 1
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    Para, but also fine with Multi-Para.
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  • Last Activity: May 28th, 24 08:56 PM
  • Join Date: April 18th, 24
  • Referrals: 0


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  • boogey615
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  • LittleBug
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  • toxic34
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