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-   -   USA KOSA Bill (https://diaperedanime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39105)

Akuma September 11th, 24 06:26 AM

This is a very important topic that could affect the future of this site.

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) would censor the internet and would make government officials the arbiters of what young people can see online. It will likely lead to age verification, handing more power, and private data, to third-party identity verification companies like Clear or ID.me.

The government should not have the power to decide what topics are "safe" online for young people, and to force services to remove and block access to anything that might be considered unsafe for children. This isn’t safety—it’s censorship.

See the below link for more information and how to contact your representative, if you are in the US of course.


AB Avery September 11th, 24 02:33 PM

God fuckin damn it, AGAIN with this shit. Its annoying enough that being a kentuckian now automatically makes it so I can't get onto pornhub and most other similar sites...

Little Rei September 12th, 24 01:49 AM

So would this bill force to shut down the site or make it more strict

AB Avery September 13th, 24 03:16 AM

Likely would lead to it being axed, or at the very least, be unable to abe accessed by US servers, as AnimeOTK and all its subsidaries just don't have the infrastructure to be verifying IDs of every member

Little Rei September 13th, 24 03:20 AM

Damn that would really suck if that happens

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