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Akuma January 3rd, 25 12:23 AM

Site is back up!
[Updates for 2024-01-02]
I'm pretty sure email issues are all fixed. You should now be receiving emails for subscriptions, password changes, notifications, or anything else.

Happy New Years everyone! First, I sincerely apologize for the long downtime. I promise we’ll never have another ridiculously long one like it.

The good news is that so far I really like the new hosting provider, and from what I’ve researched and read about them, I highly doubt they’ll ever give us any problems.

I still have a lot of testing and configuring to do on this new server, so things could be a little slow until I do. We’ll see.

I grabbed a database backup of the server about 6 hours before it was taken offline, so those 6 hours are gone.

If anyone runs into any errors, or ridiculous slowness, please post about it here.

Tobedeleted123 January 3rd, 25 01:17 AM

What a lovely new year gift.

AJbestpony January 3rd, 25 01:28 AM

Great to see the site up and running again, Akuma. Thank you for not forsaking us.

Little Rei January 3rd, 25 01:44 AM

Great to see the site back up and running

Diapered Avenger January 3rd, 25 03:28 AM

Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into fixing this site. We all appreciate it.

Capybara Angel January 4th, 25 07:37 PM

Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

AlternateCaregiver January 10th, 25 06:35 PM

I am glad the site is back up! I wished I had shown more support when it was needed, let us know if there are ways to help, I’ll see what I can do in the future…

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