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Diapered Anime Rules
Forum Rules
In order to proceed, you must agree with the following rules:

Forum Rules

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.

As with most sites, you are expected to follow a set of rules that must be obeyed at all times when engaging in activity in the community. They’re basic rules, and it won’t take you long to go through them, so take five minutes to have a quick read.
It's your own fault if you ignore these and get banned for doing something stupid!

General Rules

Understand that this website does not condone or encourage child sexual abuse in any form whatsoever. We are not a community dedicated for such an outrageous purpose. Any members caught conversing with such thoughts in their minds will be banned without warning.

On that subject, all imagery on the site that contains sexual content must not contain any characters under the age of eighteen. If an image holds a minor in a sexual scenario, or a minor’s genitalia in any kind of scene, the offending image will be removed and the poster may be banned without warning.

Please understand that this is an English site, and as such, everything is to be posted in English.

With this website being ADULT ONLY, the staff is obligated by law to ban all underage members when they’re caught out. You might not like it, and it may seem unfair, but it is the law, and we must abide the rules. The minimum age for site access is 18.

Users found using a disposable, single-use email address will have their accounts banned.

Multiple accounts are not allowed. You only need one account for the website. You do not need extra for any purposes such as hiding yourself, or for roleplaying. Anyone caught with multiple accounts are liable to be temporarily banned. Further abuse of this will result in a permanent ban.
If you have lost your previous account, then request a password reset, or get in contact with the staff via the Contact Us page.

Also, as a general notice, you should be aware that your usernames -DO- appear on Google, as is the system built. You should be careful about what username you pick. We've received a lot of emails stating that people would like their accounts deleted because of this. You CAN request a username change here if this is an issue for you. Provided it is not an offensive username you request, or one that is already taken, it will be accepted.

Forum Rules

Flaming, trolling, spamming, etc. is not allowed anywhere on this site – for obvious reasons. Try to act mature. You don’t have to be a dick to have fun. Needless to say, there will be consequences should one choose to ignore this rule. This will include moderation, temp bans, and permanent bans if it is found necessary.

New threads and posts are being monitored by software installed onto the forum and it seeks out well-known phrases, spam-words, URLs and the like. If your thread is caught by this system, it appears in a moderation queue, in which it will need to be approved for viewing by a member of our staff.

We do not encourage necroposting in this forum. For those who are unaware, necroposting is the act of posting in a thread that has long since been inactive, ranging anywhere between a month, to the beginning of the forum's time since the last post. If there is a subject that you wish to discuss, and you've found a relevant post, but it has been inactive within this time, please do not post in it. It'd be better if you created a new thread, relevant to your own information. The exception to this would be the Questions & Answers forum, where, if the question has already been asked, then please read that post for the answer, or post in that thread if the answer isn't helpful to you. Thank you.

Roleplaying Rules

Under no circumstances may a character be under the age of 18 and be in a sexual situation. This is an 18+ site, and as such, sexual situations are allowed between two consenting members.
If a roleplay is between two individuals, stated so in the first post and/or title as PRIVATE, anyone caught intruding on that roleplay without prior consent of the user will have their post deleted and proper actions taken. If this is occurring in a thread, please report the post and continue your roleplay, and a moderator will be along shortly after to deal with the situation.

Gallery Rules

First and foremost, understand that the resident artists contributing their work to the site are free to draw what they want. They are not obligated to meet your every desire unless you’re paying them for a specific picture. For commission details, you should take it up with the artists themselves, and find out their pricing, rules and guidelines.

Second of all, if an artist says “No requests”, it means NO REQUESTS.
If you start annoying an artist with constant messages with begging, they are more than welcome to report you, and we will be more than happy to carry out action.

As a general policy, no 3D art is allowed, and nor are photos. This is Diapered ANIME, not diaperedcosplay.com. Please respect and understand this. If you’re caught posting such content, proper actions will be taken.
No characters under the age of 18 are permitted to be in a sexualized situation. So, no twelve year olds pitching a tent in their padding, and certainly no showing of genitals.

We do allow edits, but only of a certain, professional kind. One that looks like some decent work was put in. We do not allow recolors or images that you've just stuck text onto.
All edits are to go to the Communal Gallery.

All images must remain on-topic of diapers, or at least be ABDL related. Other images will be removed.

Of course, it shouldn't need to be said, but stealing art here and posting it elsewhere without the artist's consent is not allowed. Likewise, art stolen from elsewhere and placed here will be removed upon investigation. When getting an image from another site, you must [b]ALWAYS[/b] link back to the original source/artist in the picture's description, unless posting in the "Unknown Artists" section of the Gallery.

If you have any questions regarding the Gallery, you should turn your attention to our Global Moderator Ad-Sd-ChibiGirl.

IRC Chat Rules

Our IRC Chat follows the same basic rules of the entire forum. If you keep with the gist, you’ll be fine.

Disciplinary Policy

Our staff of moderators reserves the right, at all times, to deal with the users of Diapered Anime if there is a dispute. Each moderator will do what they believe is right for that situation. This can be as minute as a warning, to as serious as an IP ban.

Saying this, we do not condone power abuse, and every moderator has rules they need to abide, too, which they are strongly aware of.

If at any point you see anyone breaking the rules, please do not hesitate to report Report button the offending posts or images.

This site's main Administrator is: Xero
He's a friendly, approachable guy. Whilst any of the team of moderators can most likely help you out on any issues you may have, you may go to him if you have any serious questions or problems that the moderators can't assist with.

Rules last updated: Febuary 11 (11/02/2016) by Xero
Reason: Added rules regarding linking back to original artists and sources in the Gallery.

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vBulletin Security by vBSecurity (Lite) - vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright © 2025 DragonByte Technologies Ltd. DISCLAIMER: DiaperedAnime.com does not encourage or condone the diapering of real children unless required for medical reasons. Anyone requesting or posting images of real children will be banned and reported to their countries authorities for distributing and/or soliciting child pornography.
Diapered Anime contains only fictitious Anime Diaper stories and Anime Diaper Cartoons. If you are the author or copyright holder of a diaper image or diaper story that has been uploaded without your consent please Contact Us to request its removal.