During Sex I like to Think About Switching to Geico- Emano
(Title brought to you by Cards Against Humanity)
Just Let it Out Chapter 6 is up. I know it said chapter 5 was the finale. Somehow drinking a five hour energy and a mountain dew at 1 in the morning made me decide otherwise. You will find it in the communal section.
On a side note, I thought of a fun idea as a writing exercise. On the days you can't think of anything to write, (if you have Cards Against Humanity) draw a black card and a white card and then write a short story about it.
Tell the world how Home videos of Oprah Winfrey crying into a lean cuisine gives you an erection that lasts longer than four hours. Or perhaps how Grandma finds tentacle porn disturbing yet oddly charming. and we definitely can't forget about all that Harry Potter Erotica your parents are hiding from you...