Roleplay testing
A rule has been agreed upon by Angel and I, which instates the necessity for roleplay testing for all new applicants before final approval. Once a bio is approved, you will be submitted to a roleplay test that will test you on your skills, your spelling, your grammar, et cetera. You will take the test with either Angel or myself. Once your test is finished, you will be judged by the GMs as to whether you are competent enough of an applicant to roleplay in The Quinn household. If you are deemed so, then you are finally a fully-fledged member and no longer have to test for each new character. Once you are approved, you are approved forever unless extraneous situations cause exceptions.
The above does not apply to those who have been already roleplayed or been roleplaying in #QuinnHouse
ADDENDUM: It has been decided by the GMs that it is necessary for a person to take both an RP test for sub and top. This means that regardless of your approval for your first character, which we'll say is a sub, if your second character is the opposite, in this example - a top, you would need to take a second RP test for that character as well. This only applies once for each, though.