Phineas and Ferb: Candace in charge (Private with TheNameless)
Candace had finally had enough of her brothers antics. She had never been able to bust them up to this point. So she devised a plan to punish the boys instead of failing to bust them. After a week of planning and lots of shopping she had finally had all the items she needed. Her punishment for the boys was to baby them to the fullest extent. This meant their wardrobe would change, they would be put back in diapers, be bottle fed, etc. She even thought about limiting how they walk and talk. Candace had all the items to baby the boys for quite a while. Thankfully she had talked them into building a nursery for someone of their size. She called the boys into the nursery and put her best sad face on. Once Ferb entered with his brother and saw candace he was a bit confused and hugged her.