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Conversation Between FalloutZone and Bandit Keith
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 534
  1. FalloutZone
    May 8th, 19 06:29 AM
    Don't worry about the questions at all! Just fire them at me. ^_^

    I haven't heard of the Scary Godmothers but I can look them up no problem. I saw The Pagemaster as a kid long ago but it was so long that I can't remember anything at all about it but it did make think of The Never Ending Story, Labryinth, The Dark Crystal and even the Time Bandits. We could possibly use some of those worlds? And Villians.

    I know a little bit about goosebumps but not a whole lot about it I'm afraid. Haven't played Folklore but we can add these things into the RP and I can just look them up no problem. Maybe we could include Oz? Could be intresting. I only a bit about the world of Oz from the two films, Wizard of Oz and Return to Oz along with the book/musical Wicked. The Gnome King could be an intresting anatagonist to have considering he 'collects' items that have great power.

    We could include Elm Street and a lot of other horror series. That'd be fun and intresting to do. Maybe there could be something like the 'heart of worlds' and once a world has it's heart taking away or invaded by darkness then problems start to happen.

    We could possibly throw Final Destination in there because each film has a person who has a vision of death but maybe mix it up somehow. I think Ash works quite well and I can see him having links with MadEye and the magic community. Maybe due to the supernatural magical beings and no-mag tend to team up or keep an eye on things because they never know what's to come and when.

    We can throw Supernatural and Once Upon A Time into the mix? I stopped watching both of these shows at a certain point but they would work really well especially Once because it has a bunch of magical folk already living in the normal world.

    I've seen Matilde and I've seen the first Ghostbuster movie. I can see those working. Matilde and Carrie could team up somehow.

    I agree with that starting with Harry Potter and branching out seems the best way to go. What characters are you intrested in playing in regards to the subs/doms for Harry Potter?

    Yeah I think the Marvel planning can be put on hold as well. I would like to continue our Elm Street rp for a bit because this one will probably have quite long posts I think while the Elm one won't be as big but we can pause that one as well if you prefer.
  2. Bandit Keith
    May 7th, 19 12:57 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Sorry for another round of questions but I thought of afew more things to ask if you have seen,read or played to expand on our options of things (in some cases possible be a part of another as I can seen Scary Godmothers ''fright side'' part of that movie/book series woulld be a part of Halloween town )) or to have them be a type of plot piont to show how screwed up things are slowly getting , you know depending on the premise of the plot to these things if you have indulged in them that is or aware of them enough... Have you Ever seen any of the following;Scary Godmother ? The Pagemaster ? When Good Ghouls Go Bad ? Beetlejuice ? Little Witch Acadmia ? Ever read the goosebumps books or seen the series based on the books or seen the movies? Ever play or seen the plot to the ps3 folklore Game ? Ever play or seen the plot to eternal darkness sanity's requiem for gamecube?
  3. Bandit Keith
    May 7th, 19 05:25 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh yes I like your thinking all good ideals for this rp even more so on the Witchs from Hocus pocus having a *B/DL around to get the energy they need,

    We could even include Elm street in this to a degree like Freddy could be willing to aid the good guys in exchange to be free to do as he/she pleases to those that abuse kids? (My headcanon is Freddy for the most part turned out the way did do to abuse suffered as a kid from kids and adults) matter of fact we can easily have do to how Elm Street lore is intertwined with Evil dead franchise and Friday the thirteenth ; Jason awakening is the first signs something is majorly out of whack and this thus stirs Freddy to be active again,

    While Ash from evil dead as hes a chosen one of sorts , He could show up at a magical location despite being a muggle, Maybe he can because he knew MadEye and because hes a chosen one of sorts? With a warning of coming darkness as one of the alternate opening for one of the movies has this speech '' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ-fa1NRDxM ''

    Ever seen Casper meets Wendy? Ever seen Matilde ? Ever seen the old Ghostbuster movies(or atleast the cartoons based on Ghostbusters)? all those mentioned movies have possibility's for this rp discussion is why I ask

    Anyway I think the best route to go for starters are Teachers and a mix of still students aswell as former students of Hogwarts being who we play and branch out on who aswell as what we play as things go.

    Also I got a plan on a prophecy to put in this based on the ideals of 'guardians '

    Sorry just spitballing right now.

    Anyway I think our Marvel planning can be on hold as with our Elm Street rp and this one we got cooking we should be set for quite awhile
  4. FalloutZone
    May 7th, 19 04:46 AM
    I like that idea a lot.


    Halloween Town is a safe heaven for all and is the place people go to rest and where they can be safe. I like that. In the first movie I believe people were being turned to stone while in the second movie magical folks were becoming 'normal' almost as if all their life has been ripped out of them and they were husks of there former selves.

    I can't remember much about the third and forth movie except that there was a school in Halloween Town and some magical creatures also went to school in the human world.

    I think what could be intresting is that Halloween Town could be set up as the main point of all things magical and any laws, etc, have to go through them first and the goverment there is the body that see's overall and puts a stop or tries to put a stop to anything that is truly 'bad' or 'wicked' ?

    The ruler/govener of Halloween Town could be Death? Due to Halloween Town being magical and spiritual in a lot of ways and Death could also be Life so him/she seeing over all worlds would make sense. I think the character of Death/Life would have a lot of power but it would be limited because he/she isn't able to change the worlds much at all unless there's a inbalance and great upset somehow at which point Death/Life is able to send signs and hints to the worlds that something bad is happening and they need to prepare.

    Sometimes this could be with infecting someone's mind? Such as Voldermort? Maybe Death/Life saw great power in him when he was a student at Hogwarts and could tell something bad was going to happen and that Albus Dumbledore wasn't a good person so Death/Life tried to implant a warning into Voldermort/several people's minds in an attempt to warn them?

    Maybe Halloween Town is a myth itself in the magical worlds and is considered the World where 'All Began and All Will End' maybe Halloween Town has a different name right now? And later on it's revealed that the world that the characters find to take a rest is Halloween Town - the true esscene of the supernatural? But the name had to be kept hidden because of devious characters such as Dumbledore.

    Most people presume though that the world/place has a strong link to 'Halloween Town' but others deny that. Maybe Voldermort knows the 'true' idenety of the world because of Death/Life and does his best to keep this secret hidden away knowing that if it ever became known to others then people would come to the the world and try to steal it's magic.

    I think all worlds could of been one at one point.

    In regards to Silent Hill - I think it could be one of the gates to the more forbidden parts to Halloween Town? Silent Hill could be considered a pocket in time and space that sucks people in and is rarely ever stable but maybe Albus found a way to stablise a pocket of Silent Hill? Which isn't good because Silent Hill is supposed to be ever changing and luring people in to change them for the better or for the worse it isn't something that can 'put on hold' or 'open' for anyone.

    Doing that can have unfourseen consequences. Stablising a 'space hole' such as Silent Hill somewhere means that bad magic can leak through to other worlds more easily and can leak into Silent Hill and thus Halloween Town because Silent Hill is one of or could be one of the oldest parts of Halloween Town? The bad magic could be part of the 'new darkness' causing people to be ill. I think having the stress of hiding everything come out as a Dom/Sub thing could be intresting to do.

    The 'Guardians' would be good to have. We'd have to think who those characters will be and who we are going to play as because this will be a rather big and intense RP. We'd probably end up playing a mix of doms and subs.

    In regards to the Elder Scrolls we could use the Moth Preiests for quite a bit of lore and maybe the Elder Scrolls themselves could be placed in each world and could be part of stablising each world somehow. Maybe the Dragonborn could be infected or giving the sight of Death/Life and is able to see the 'end of days' to a point? Maybe that in turn coculd cause a lot of stress for the Dragonborn having to deal with the war in Skyrim and everything else?

    I can see Fallout working as a world due to the radiation which can equal to power which in turn can be turned into some form of magic. There's also a lot of 'potion' brewing in Fallout and experimenting in regards to Vault-Tec so I can see how it can be a world.

    I like the idea of the witches from Hocus Pocus helping out and other bad guys helping the good guys to face the evr looming threat that is coming their way to destroy them for good. The witches or one of them could be intresting to use in a dom role maybe having a sub/abdl is able to ward off their need and hunger to eat children because what's more important for their hunger is a child's energy?

    With the X-Men then:

    I'll do Logan as a dom and either Storm or Jean as a dom for Gabby if and when we include her into the mix.

    Maybe we can find a way to work Jubliee in later on or maybe have her as a big sister to Rouge maybe?
  5. Bandit Keith
    May 4th, 19 10:47 PM
    Bandit Keith
    And posed in the Elm street rp so you are aware given your wait;Not the best pose but hopefulyy its good enough to get the Nightmare on Elmstreet rp rolling again
  6. Bandit Keith
    May 4th, 19 09:44 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Well heres my ideal and thoughts on it ;you know how Halloween town was made by varies creatures to basically hide away from humans ? Well I had this ideal basing around the earth used to be bigger/atleast had more landmass but over the ages Fact became History, History becomes legend and legend becomes myth on most of these places and advents ... With the key to bringing all these places back is a danger to them all the ''one Ring to rule them all ''and the ''Dark Lord sauron'' from some foolish person perhaps HP's Albus Dumbdore having seeked out the rings at first leading to the seal ,keeping the forces of Sauron, Sauron and himself at bay... All because if we use Albus . despite Albus claim to be a good man, As they say'' the path to Hell is pathed with good intentions ''so over the years prior to going after then he had been gradually going the path of darkness without realizing it even when he turned dark most are unaware of it besides those not blinded by the man. Which he used things like Silent hill to make students disappear to prevent trouble aswell as other things like prevent things from getting out yet now that hes gone things are starting to unravel quickly. Aswell as those with ties to ''guardians'' start to awaken in the world aswell as truths start to come to like who truly is the ones in the right and who was the evil …

    All while the world is changing with places like Narnia coming into the world... The Witchs from Hocus Pocus awakening while evil can team up with the good guys for the old saying is often true'' The enemy of my enemy is my friend'' or in otherwords the three witchs are powerful and the good guys will let things slide with them as there is a bigger evil to fry.

    While Halloween town could become something of a temporary safe haven for planning and a place to destress as best as can be on those we choice to play in the dom and sub roles aswell as the others we play... As the stress of everything over the years or some deals could bring about Dom and sub roles,maybe even sickness or the new darkness affecting people in a set way if not just the persons state of being

    while the world of Elder scrolls/Skyrim could be a place where its so dominated by the mystical, things haven't seemed to progress sense they separated from the main world. but as they return problems arise do to conflicts spilling over making things worse and more troublesome

    It'd be easy to say Fallout universe is filled with mystics do to how the modern game mechanics of most modern fallout games work with the radiation having say warped this worlds magic to such a degree that had been encapsulated at a point and did its own branching advancements perhaps even on a different time skale to explain the difference in years . Like it branched off from the world do to needing to handle what would have caused the main earths end Anyway it could be among the last ones to return fully when its getting close to where the realms need the destructive might of those wielding atomic aged force to be like the final push to get the age old threat dealt with of Sauron and his darkness

    Yep on the Elm street Rp

    As for X-Men; agreed that's why I brought up Mystique

    Yeah I seem to recall that too on Rogue and Scott;; Unrelated mostly even in the comics it didn't work out as who got Married to each other was Rogue and Gambit in recent years... As for who closest to Rogue in the cartoon I think was too Logan.... I know from what I recall that's the same in the X-Men movies, though In the comics it was Kitty Pride closest to Logan

    Humm well It'd make the most sense for Logan to Dom Laura for obvious reasons , while Storm or Jean would be a good call for Gabby if we involve her...

    Who would you want to add as a sub for a equal amount of subs if we do indeed bring in more then one sub onb my end?

    Sounds fair we work on the X-Men first then add the crossover elements.

    Meh wasn't that interested in the inside out rp jat this point just wanted the piece of mind we either shelved it or decided not to do it so it'd stop being on my mind
  7. FalloutZone
    May 4th, 19 08:47 PM
    Okay! What's your crossover idea? Or thoughts?

    Any thoughts on our Nightmare RP yet?

    We could work her in. I can't remember a lot about her character though. Mystique would be better giving her and Rouge's relationship.

    I remember Rouge having a crush on Scott at one point in the series and that failing/not working out at all. I think Rouge was the closes to Logan overall I want to say from memory?

    I can play the following I feel with ease - Logan, Scott, Storm, Jean, Kitty and Lance.

    Who would you want as a dom for Laura? and possibly Gabby?

    How about we build up the x-men a little first and then go into crossover stuff? I'd be intrested in using Hel, Thor's sister. I only know her from Thor - Ragnorok but she's my favourite 'badguy' so far out of all the Marval films I've seen.

    I think with the Inside Out RP - I'm not sure how far we'll get into it because there doesn't seem to be a lot there but I don't mind giving it a shot. Maybe there could be this weird pill that teens have started to take and Riley takes one - but one day her emotions and other people's emotions come out of her and are real people?
  8. Bandit Keith
    May 4th, 19 12:33 PM
    Bandit Keith
    On another subject combed your newest thread closer and seen plenty of magical and supernatural themed fandoms thus I had a crossover ideal for them centered around the ideal that failed do to a old rp we had that we had shifted from one fandom themed rp to a crossover mid way
  9. Bandit Keith
    May 2nd, 19 09:49 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Humm well I have a fondness for Jubilee I admit that and a iteration of her is in the evolution cartoon just not much... she could easily be a switch type of character add to that Jubilees folks in the comics are said to be rather well off Chinese immigrants so if we somehow have her diaper up and baby Rogue we could use that as a excuse where the cash flow is coming from for everything given in this iteration of Jubilee and such her parents are alive unlike in the comics.

    Though a better one to be the one so as to dom Rogue is Mystique given in the comics when Rogue was 4 she adopted the girl who ran away from home which it was do to a abusive home life atleast in one iteration of her by blood family...

    Well Laura was in Evolution as a plot point honestly and heck she in it while in the school/mansion sneaking around cuddled a teddy bear so there is that and a and a argument could be made she had a extreme tantrum on what she did while there over her perceiving Logan had wronged her by not liberating her when in fact he never knew about her till shortly before she showed up. Thus I'd kinda like to play her as a sub as she didn't have a nice life and her toughness can be seen as a front or something to how she really feels

    As for a defective clone of Laura I just mentioned Gabby as its a sorta interesting fact there and easy to diaper/baby her given the mental and physical out of syncness going on there

    Humm fair enough on the crossover matter we could do Avengers crossover easily as X-Men members have been in the Avenger team at varies times in the comics .

    As for the' inside out' ideal note this is all copy and posted from our chat on it so all of this is abit long the first part from me the last from you on the Babyspeak matter ; given how at the end its more or less now her growing up well what if new emotions show up and at first none of her preexisting emotions know what they are and the new ones at the start sorta aren't strong enough to manifest too long but start shaping Riley into a TB more and more? Heck we can even play this as the family has a baby and it starts influencing desires and such

    I think that could be interesting. I could see Riley getting jealous of the attention the baby has and maybe its down to the fact that her mom and dad don't spend a lot of time with her. Dad's off doing business while mom is always busy with a charity or something?

    Oh yes sounds good there my friend thanks I sorta was going the classic and true to life 'new baby causes even teenagers to have feelings of jealousy and like' so yeah maybe even the baby and Riley bond in a sort of odd way from the situation

    Maybe Riley's emotions could talk to the baby emotions? Which in turn causes Riley to understand babyspeak?
  10. FalloutZone
    May 2nd, 19 08:18 PM
    Don't worry about being a chatterbox ^_^

    Could do! I can't remember a huge amount on Evolution though. That sounds good. Is there any characters in particular that you'd like to play as a sub or dom? I tend to like Rouge as a sub.

    Laura I can't remember her but I'll have a check now to see if I can or not. Oh! Just checked up on her a little through google. I sort of remember her a little. Haven't watched Logan at all yet but been meaning to. I can see a defective clone of Laura's being workable in regards to diapers/babying.

    Could possibly do a Marvel crossover of some kind with various characters? X Men, Avengers, Deadpool, etc. Would just need to think out a plot.

    Could give Inside Out a shot so sure bring it up. ^_^

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