Conversation Between Diapered Avenger and Felix0409
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 142
Sure, I like that. Would they already be diapered at the start like the baby hero?
I was thinking the baby hero would already be diapered to go with the whole baby treatment, while the babysitter would either be incontinent, or have powers with a drawback that requires they wear diapers.
Did you have any ideas?
The babysitter being diapered you mean?
I just thought they'd either come up with a gizmo to mask the effects, or find a magician to fix it
Maybe the babysitter could be diapered too?
Basically, one of us would play a babysitter seemingly caring for a regular baby, only for the baby to reveal their true identity to stop some burglars. The two would then team up to fix the hero's problem.
Did you have any other questions?
I think we already did the school one. Maybe the superhero one?
I'm doing better than I was two months ago.
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How have you been lately?