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So we’re clear: the story is after Barbara been dressed and regressed, so Dinah’s just sitting in the couch cradling Barbara and soothing her, that makes sense?
Basic script for how the story might go, no pressure:
It was five years ago, Dinah Laurel Lance was in an unfocused rut. Broken up, running on rage at being seen as a knockoff of her mom: The original Black Canary, and going through a period of good old “Who even am I?” Dread.
Sure, she could still kick ass with the best of them, but the world just felt a million miles away from her life. She slumped on the couch, looking at her recently dyed blonde hair. It seemed like a good idea, better than just wearing a wig to look like dear old mom.
The bitter taste of refrigerator beer burned her throat, and the sound of her house phone burned her ears. Of all the times…
She tried to ignore it, but it kept going. Fine. Fine! She stormed over, answering the call.
“Whoever this is, leave a message, kay.”
The voice on the other end was filtered, some kind of audio effect to make it sound deep and unidentifiable.
“That’s why I’m here. I know you, Black Canary. Floundering, in need of a fresh start. So do I. I think we can help each other. You’re looking into Nick Devine? I can get you a plane ride to Rhelasia to make his acquaintance.”
Dinah grinned.
“Good talk, but I’ll need more than that.”
Silence, Canary was about to hang up before she was asked to check her bank account. There was initially maybe about $165 in there last check.
Now it was about $795. From unknown source. Oracle. Whoever this was? They were good.
Dinah bit out a snort.
“Alright, my mystery. Consider me interested. What’s the plan?”
Dinah returned to the present, looking down at Barbara, someone so important to her in a dozen different ways across the years.
“If only I knew then that my mysterious supporter used to be the stubborn firecracker from way back then…”
When Oracle finally admitted her identity after a near drowning, it made them even closer. And Dinah could somehow feel even prouder of how much little miss Batgirl had grown.
Barbara giggled sleepily, Dinah ran her hand through her fiery orange hair.
“You sound tired, baby girl. Mama’s gonna put you down for bed, okay?”
Okay. I’m certain you must be sick of me popping in with ideas, but hear me out: When Cass gets in the car for Crystal to take her to Babs apartment, what if we switch over to Dinah caring for Babs, not the entire session, just Dinah cradling Barbara on the couch, you know, soothing her a bit, and as a fun bit of callback, what if Dinah tells Barbara the story of when she first met Oracle? You know, could be a fun callback.
And when the story’s over, Dinah says “Alright, Babsy, it’s your bedtime” and as Dinah lifts Barbara up, that’s when Cass arrives through the front door and kind of stays quiet until Dinah puts Barbara to bed.
Hey, if you're interested in an RP, just message me.
Some of the shows I'm into:
Miraculous Ladybug
Fairy Tail
One Piece
My Hero Academia
The Owl House
Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Carmen Sandiego (Preferably the 2019 one, but I'm fine with the 90's animated series)
Code Lyoko
I'm open to suggestions if you want to do something else, I just might need to see it first so I'm familiar with it.
Hey, if you're interested in an RP, just message me.
Some of the shows I'm into:
Miraculous Ladybug
Fairy Tail
One Piece
My Hero Academia
The Owl House
Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Carmen Sandiego (Preferably the 2019 one, but I'm fine with the 90's animated series)
Code Lyoko
I'm open to suggestions if you want to do something else, I just might need to see it first so I'm familiar with it.