Conversation Between BabyDusty and Diapered Avenger
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 280
Like she tries to be a big girl?
Yeah. Probably not in the same way as marinette though, she likes to be pampered, just maybe not too fond of pampers. XD
Maybe Chloe tries to fight her little urges?
That has some merit. I like the idea of little chloe. Opens a lot of avenues for a redemption arc. Could eventually be a playmate for marinette too. I really like the idea of Chlobrina. XD
What do you think of Alya or Chloe being little?
I don't have much preference. I think daddy Luka and little adrien would be cute or possibly little rose and mommy Juleka if you wanted, or we could use one of the more side characters too.
Are there any bigs you want to be?
Well in that scenario, We would each play 2 main characters for the opposing roles in the mommy (or daddy if you wanted) and baby pairing. Like for example, I want to be little marinette with Kagami as the mommy. If you wanted, we could pick a second pair to be the opposite roles for each other, like adrien and luka, juleka and rose, nino and alya, etc.
Sure if you wanted, hell if you wanted to throw out the switches thing, we could do two sets of "main characters" with opposing roles.