Conversation Between ElPervertido1993 and Diapered Avenger
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
No, they conserves her normal mentality.
But the baby of the protagonist is will have a normal grown process until The twenty years, when she stays in that age.
No, they preserves her real mentality. But the baby Of The protagonist have's a normal grown process until twenty years because she born as a vampire.
Would any of them be affected mentally? Also, what about the protagonist's baby?
Well maybe we can make ir in this order: The 1st sister: 185 years as vampire (3 years in human; she use pull-ups and potty), 2nd Sister: 96 years as vampire (1 year in human), 3rd sister: 79 years a vampire (1 year in human) (they can walk but still relearning) and the protagonist who is a newborn. You like that idea?
Maybe some of the "older" vampires will be able to walk?
Example, in this RP one vampire year is equal to a 50 Human years.
I don't know about that. It's depended The age that We want to gave them.
Would the vampire's other "children" be able to walk?
How about the mother's baby?
The Mother Lost her intestinal control and her walk capacity.
Since she doesn't have fangs yet, it must be the vampire who has to feed her (you can decide if she feeds her with her blood or breast milk).
Did you have any ideas for how the babying would work?