Conversation Between BabyDusty and Diapered Avenger
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 280
Sure I can do that and I will link ye here.
I was thinking both pairs. But we can start with just them if you like.
You mean Marinette and Kagami?
Doesn't fully matter to me. Though I think how it should start would be with the girl's in their own private rooms in a government facility waiting for their matched counterpart to be introduced to them, perhaps nervous as up till the other person arrives, they have no idea who it is and fears being matched with a complete stranger.
Sounds good to me. Who will start?
Yes, and you will be Kagami and chloe, anyone else needed for temporary scenes can be worked out later as needed.
So you'll be Marinette and Sabrina?
Yes. And Sabrina would be Chloe's.