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Gothicruby Gothicruby is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1091 to 1100 of 1186
  1. sonicmixer
    June 17th, 15 08:29 PM
    I dunno. How would that work? I don't see Batman as the kind of person who would wave keys in front of Steph's face and keep saying goo goo ga ga.
  2. sonicmixer
    June 17th, 15 08:23 PM
    I'm sort of on the fence. I'm not sure just how much fun we can have with that.

    Actually I don't believe that Steph actually lives with Batman. At least not anymore. I'm not sure where she lived when she was Robin. In her Batgirl series, she moved on to college and lives with her mom.

    Very true, Knockout does have a lot of blackmail material. Certainly would be fun for later.
  3. sonicmixer
    June 17th, 15 08:06 PM
    I think once we leave the store would be better. ^^

    Indeed. ;p so what do you want to do with them once they're free from their clutches?
  4. Bandit Keith
    June 17th, 15 08:02 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I was thinking in the rp for some reason having Bizarro show up sometime not sure why just the very ideal has been stuck in my mind to have Bizarro or that weird Bizarro world of earth show up. I'm not sure why thats been stuck in my head and I only told you as to be honest telling someone ideals/thoughts thats stuck in my head more often then not gets rid of them
  5. sonicmixer
    June 17th, 15 07:17 PM
    So when do we bring in Bats and Supes?
  6. Fluffybuttwannabe
    June 16th, 15 11:13 AM
    Hey I don't know if you'd be interested in this or not, but I'm trying to do a special group roleplay that employs mechanics of more traditional tabletop roleplaying. Its your typical adventure roleplay, you make a character, then you go off and explore the lands fufilling quests, leveling up, performing magic, everything else. Its sorta like a video game in that you have stats, and when you battle a creature, I'll roll dice to see if you succeed or how much damage you do.


    Also do you still want to do the flash roleplay?
  7. sonicmixer
    June 16th, 15 02:11 AM
    Not really. I just wanted to take a little break for a while. I was getting tired.
  8. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 07:58 PM
    Thank you. ^^ your too kind.
  9. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 07:43 PM
    That works. I guess you could say it was a pride thing. Like he didn't even need superpowers to beat and play with this Batgirl.
  10. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 07:31 PM
    Ooh that could work. ^^ Lets try that.

    Also I just thought of something. Is this Damian before or after her got all his superpowers? I completely forgot he had those until just now. Shame, might've come in handy earlier.

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    Look at all the fucks I don't give, Anakin.


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  • Last Activity: July 30th, 24 02:02 PM
  • Join Date: June 4th, 09
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