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Gothicruby Gothicruby is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1101 to 1110 of 1186
  1. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 07:04 PM
    Very true, very true. Shame there isn't a way to somehow combine the two transports.
  2. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 06:45 PM
    Sorry bout the wait there. ^^
  3. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 06:05 PM
    Great. ^^ Lets do that. Sorry the reply is taking so long, i'm trying to multitask.
  4. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 05:58 PM
    Ooh splendid. ^^ Shall we have them try and fight crime in their current state or should we have them perhaps just tour a baby store in a mall or something?
  5. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 05:52 PM
    Public changing sounds better. ^^ should we head back to their hideout? Or should we move onto some other part of the city?
  6. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 05:47 PM
    Oh it's fine. ^^ I don't really know how I would have done it either. In fact i'm not even sure what to do right now. Should we let them back into Knockout and Damian's care?
  7. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 01:57 PM
    Splendid. ^^ . I can't wait.
  8. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 03:38 AM
    Alright than. ^^ read you loud and clear man. Seeya later. ^^
  9. sonicmixer
    June 15th, 15 03:19 AM
    (You sent that reply to your own profile..)

    Alright if you insist. ;p

    Oh good. I was just wondering, because you have those big walls of text and it can be a bit intimidating sometimes. ^^;
  10. Gothicruby
    June 15th, 15 03:13 AM
    Oooh; let's do your idea first >D Or atleast after what you have planned after your next reply if it's something big, poor babies~

    I think your recent replies are awesome actually; they're very descriptive and great to work with! It's so much easier to bounce off replies when there's more of a reaction to build on, you know?

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    Avid roleplayer looking for a partner.
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    Look at all the fucks I don't give, Anakin.


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  • Last Activity: July 30th, 24 02:02 PM
  • Join Date: June 4th, 09
  • Referrals: 0


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