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Astrello Astrello is offline

Celestia and Luna's Little Angel

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  1. Astrello
    July 24th, 13 04:26 AM
    You could have the bullies Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara bullying him and after they chase him up a tree he become stuck high in the tree. Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon as well as any other bullies try to knock him out of the tree. In the end they succeed and he slams into the ground with a sickening crunch. It is then that everyone knows he can't fly. It is also then that most pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies turn against him.
  2. Bandit Keith
    July 24th, 13 12:29 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Then thats settled I think we should have it so the Mane 6, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders knew way ahead of time maybe even Cheerilee for teaching Star Dancer on what he needed to know that he hadn't learned after being dropped from Cloudsdale

    Also how do you want his secret found out
  3. Astrello
    July 23rd, 13 11:22 PM
    That would be fine. As for Applejack and the others, we can work that out as we go. The important thing is Star Dancer and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
  4. Bandit Keith
    July 23rd, 13 11:01 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Seeing as you got a rp thread for Star Dancer up already which no body has posted in do you feel okay with me posting in it? Whats your plan on what Applejack,Twilight along with the others will be? Also by others I assume the rest of mane 6,Spike, the Cakes(seeing as Pinkie would be working for the Cakes) other members of the ponyvile CMKs seeing as Applebloom is one so the two would know whats up
  5. Bandit Keith
    July 20th, 13 10:09 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Okay I like that ideal on how to go about Astrello getting babied by them

    If you want we can do another rp with Star Dancer as I don't want it to go to waste
  6. Astrello
    July 20th, 13 05:18 AM
    Well I was thinking for the Mane Six slowly becoming involved with Astrello throughout the rp and like a few weeks later they are fully involved. We can have on that third week have Twilight use the Want It, Need It spell and be sent to Magic Kindergarten. Astrello of course offers to go with her and she accepts his offer. Though secretly with her friends and his sister's help she prepares her home that she will be staying in for a certain adorable little foal that everyone loves, named Astrello. Alone, with only herself and her little foal, Twilight shows her little foal, Astrello how great of a mother, she can truly be. Then when they return from Magic Kindergarten a while later, the Cutie Mark Crusaders run off with Astrello to try there hands or rather hoofs at foal-sitting seeing as no pony in Ponyville will trust them with a foal considering all the trouble they get into without trying to. We can have the others slowly find out and agree to let the Cutie Mark Crusaders join in the fun of caring for the little adorable foal that is Astrello.

    As for Star Dancer we could do him with this one, but it would be better if we did a separate one so that we could have it mainly about the Cutie Mark Crusaders friendship and more with Star Dancer. Star Dancer through his time could warm up to the three and the Cutie Mark Crusaders take him in as their little foal brother.
  7. Bandit Keith
    July 19th, 13 07:29 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Well I noticed your Star Dancer mlp OC and bio if you want we can add that character and set up in the rp as a side rp thing which if we do maybe Scootaloo befriends Star Dancer fairly easy as they share the same problem of not being able to fly. Well Scootaloo can hover but nothing on really flying atleast if I recall right. While Sweetie Belle befriends Star Dancer for the fact she knows what its like to be ridiculed and laughed at albeit she keeps unintentionally saying something at times which is open mouth insert foot time of things around Star Dancer especially when shes standing up for him and it happens to be bullys that are doing the laughing and ridiculing.

    Maybe once word of the Pegasus being treated by others on a large scale like that gets out it could be around the time word of the fire and Astrello get out so Celestia and/or Luna might at a point invite Sky Dance to the palace to be with Astrello seeing as they both got along when Celestia had Astrello come with her and two could relate to each other to a certain extent . We could even invite him to stay as long as he wants

    Anyway when do you want the other plans that you agreed upon incorporating in the rp to start?
  8. Astrello
    July 19th, 13 05:59 AM
    Well the interesting thing I had happen is my brother got two Game of Thrones Games and both of which are very cool
  9. Bandit Keith
    July 18th, 13 10:10 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I meant happy or interesting happen on what I asked
  10. Astrello
    July 18th, 13 08:25 PM
    Yeah but I feel for you my friend and no I haven't had anything really bad happen to me or my family.

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