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Yingyangjesse Yingyangjesse is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 4901 to 4910 of 10234
  1. BabyGirlClaire
    April 12th, 23 12:06 AM
    Actually, the nanny can be whatever you’d like, since she is your character.

    Other ideas are probably how things work at the orphanage. Like every morning the girls wake up at the same time, line up in the hallway, and the girls in diapers turn around and show their diapers for checks. Then after that they are free to do whatever until it is time to eat and they line up again.
    At the end of the day, maybe the nanny has all the girls tell the nanny how much they love her as a way to build a bond between them.
  2. BabyGirlClaire
    April 11th, 23 11:43 PM
    Liked her strictness can be mistaken for sexism.
  3. BabyGirlClaire
    April 11th, 23 11:42 PM
    I am thinking that she acts like the second one, but inside she is very pro women’s rights.
  4. BabyGirlClaire
    April 11th, 23 10:35 PM
    Yeah, she can have multiple friends, and I like the daughter idea.
  5. BabyGirlClaire
    April 11th, 23 10:21 PM
    The friend could be anybody.
    As to what else I’d like, maybe a scene where the caregiver undoes Rhea’s punk style hair. She would style it to a girly haircut from the time like 20th century ringlets. She would also have her hair dyed to its original color, blonde.
    She could also be made to wear frilly pink dresses, much to her dismay.
    I will tell you of other ideas if I have some. You feel free to come up with other ideas too.
  6. BabyGirlClaire
    April 11th, 23 10:10 PM
    The phone will probably die after a day, so she wouldn’t even be able to explain the phone I imagine. To everyone, it is probably just a thin block with a glass screen on it.

    By the way, how do you feel about spanking or mouth soaping?
  7. BabyGirlClaire
    April 11th, 23 09:53 PM
    We could have some of the other orphans not be potty trained, sure.
  8. BabyGirlClaire
    April 11th, 23 09:52 PM
    I am thinking the friend knows Rhea is from the future after some convincing, but the caretaker doesn’t so she is just thinking Rhea is just a naughty rebellious girl.
  9. Diapered Avenger
    April 11th, 23 12:48 PM
    Diapered Avenger
    Yeah, I just wanted to be sure.
  10. Diapered Avenger
    April 11th, 23 12:37 PM
    Diapered Avenger
    Like, magic college?

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