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  1. brabbit1987
    October 26th, 12 11:34 PM
    *shrugs* I'm done arguing with you and talking with you as well. Since it's going no where real quick. When people do things that hurt or sadden or whatever it is to to others, I expect that person to apologize. Just like I did, I didn't purposefully try to offend you, and I'm sorry about that. But you purposefully offended me multiple times, and still have yet to apologize.

    I'm no longer going to waste my time.
  2. brabbit1987
    October 26th, 12 09:15 PM
    "That wasn't a war o.o ... you don't know anything about history do you? (or about using question marks LOL) Look it up. XD"

    "Read to "tool to control people". Had to literally stop and laugh. You're a joke lmao. Do you listen to your own thoughts? xDD"

    "You must mean brabbit.." .. to the dick comment.

    A lot of your posts where deleted, so can't quote everything. Doesn't sound like you where trying to help at all. Sounded like you where trying to attack me on things that had nothing to do with the subject.

    You also called me a joke

    I really expect you to retract your statements about me. I apoligized, but are you so full of yourself that you feel you done absolutly nothing wrong at all? Or wil lyou be mature as well and apologize too?
  3. brabbit1987
    October 26th, 12 07:41 PM
    Well in that case, I apologize for insulting you. I am sorry. It really wasn't meant to be an insult. But no, you where not trying to help me. I very well know how to write using proper grammar, I have an IQ of 128, I have been to college 2 times. I have above college level reading. I also have a telecommunications trade degree and I am a fiber optic certified technician. I certainly do not have perfect grammar as I am not an English teacher. Do I care? No not really. No one really does, because that is the amazing thing about humans.

    eevn if I was to wtrie lkie tihs you souhld stlil be albe to raed it. Because the human mind recognizes full on words rather then individual letters.

    Now if I was writing a story that was going to make it big, well, then I would write properly. For trolls? Why bother? This is the internet. I treat people by the way they act. You want to have an intelligent conversation with me, then start showing your intelligence. That means questioning everything. Your beliefs, your religion, yourself, others, and everything around you.

    Is it possible God does exist? Oh ya of course, I am some what agnostic, so I believe it's certainly possible. If God is real, I will follow God, but not religion. Religion is something humans created, not god. However, in my eyes, God is different then how you probably view God. I view God is the creator, an ultimate being who created humanity on earth. I do not believe he created the universe. This God could be another being from another dimension or planet.

    Now on the other side, if god is not real, then still great! Means humanity can move forward to rank 1 civilization with ease. Which is really important for are species. The transition to rank 1, can be disastrous. We very well could destroy ourselves. If your interested in what I am talking about, I suggest you look up physicist Michio Kaku on youtube.
  4. brabbit1987
    October 26th, 12 03:47 AM
    No again . .didn't call you anything. I said those who believe in religion do not have a brain, and actually, im not even the one who said it, someone else did and I simply agreed. I didn't say you in specific. I never directly attacked you personally. Unless you really wanna copy and paste where I attacked you directly and at a personal level ... please show me. Now however, you certainly did, you even continue to do so. You keep attacking me, about my grammar. Grow up. That's just plain ridiculous. I have done absolutely nothing to you at all. Also .. she wasn't banned for that, I was talking to her and she got warned .. so she got banned for some other reason. I didn't get warned at all by a mod. Do you know why? Cause, I never attacked anyone directly, never cursed, never called anyone names.

    Actually now that i looked it up, I didn't even say you had no brain at all .... these where my exact words "This person is right, if you honestly had a brain, then how come your not using it?" <--- a question

    In that im not actually saying you have no brain, however to me, those who follow religion blindly don't actually think about it very much. They have very little knowledge on the matter of the 100s other religions out there and probably have not done much studying. hey I may be wrong about you. But I don't think so, cause you didn't even know many of the wars caused by religion. Anyway .. im not going to continue arguing with you like this.

    You where the one in the wrong, not me. Personal attacks, cursing. I didn't do anything even remotely close to what you did. And hey, im not the one who is religious. You are, so I would worry about how you act if you truly believe it. I live with a pastor lol.
  5. brabbit1987
    October 25th, 12 11:00 PM
    I never attacked you a single time. I strictly gave you an opinion. I not once called you a name, or cursed. You where the one who did that.
  6. brabbit1987
    October 24th, 12 09:28 PM
    Ok, well good luck. I mean .. just so you know, there are people out there who don't believe in things you will. It's not reason to name call and all that. Well anyway .. have a good day. It's to bad to ... I have a lot friends whom are christians. Thought maybe if we settled our difference in opinion we could also be friends. But guess not.
  7. 4chan
    October 24th, 12 09:27 PM
    Thanks for that thread. I had tons of laughs.
  8. brabbit1987
    October 24th, 12 09:21 PM
    lol no .. you where forcing your ideals on me actually. I stated my opinion. On why I didn't think it was a sin. That was my answer. You didn't like it. So continue .. I never attacked you directly. If you do continue I will contact an admin or even Ai
  9. brabbit1987
    October 24th, 12 09:15 PM
    I don't get why your messing around like this. Is it fun? It really will get you banned just so you know.
  10. krow-san
    October 24th, 12 02:30 PM
    hey, whats up

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