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Tsukasalove Tsukasalove is offline

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  1. Pamela
    November 16th, 15 03:13 AM
    Hola. ♥ Well if you ever miss me or want to talk to me I'm not that hard to get a hold of. ♥ I would contact you myself more, but it is very rare I can think of something truly worth talking about. ♥
  2. Birfdaykakes
    March 10th, 15 05:40 AM
    Thank you, I had a friend make it for me.
  3. Pamela
    March 10th, 15 05:09 AM
    I will I just don't want to risk it right now because with other games I have had a problem with save files after an update. ♥ I should beat Springtrap soon I make it to about 4AM most times. ♥ If I can keep him out of the office till 5AM and Phantom Freddy does not be a jerk at 5AM when he is in the office I should beat him. ♥
  4. Pamela
    March 10th, 15 04:28 AM
    I have not updated I have 1.0 right now. ♥ I want to win nightmare mode first because I don't want to risk an accident happening with my save file just in case something goes wrong. ♥
  5. Pamela
    March 10th, 15 04:21 AM
    Yeah true, but it makes me wonder if like maybe there is something special Phantom Mangle maybe it is not even Phantom Mangle maybe Mangle survived being burnt and it is the real Mangle just burnt. (I am most likely thinking too much into it as Scott may have just forgot and will add Phantom Mangle to the extras in an update later on.)
  6. Pamela
    March 10th, 15 04:12 AM
    I said all, but Springtrap and the fire. Such as the Phantom Animatronics, the extra Springtraps and others like that. You know I wonder about Phantom Mangle because Phantom Mangle is in the game and if you see Phantom Mangle it messes up your audio and Phantom Mangle's head will be looking at you from the window outside your office, but Phantom Mangle is not in the extras. I wonder why Scott left out Phantom Mangle?
  7. Pamela
    March 10th, 15 04:02 AM
    Just about everything, but Springtrap and the fire seems like they were illusions in FNaF3. ♥
  8. Pamela
    March 10th, 15 03:38 AM
    Yep, on nightmare mode/night 6 got there two days after it came out, but Springtrap is cheating sometimes he will be on the camera, but when I close the camera to fix the ventilation he will be out side my office window and still on the camera at the same time. ♥ (Well he is not really cheating from what Scott has said you can see two or more Springtraps if your ventilation fails, but I never noticed till nightmare mode. ♥)
  9. Pamela
    February 22nd, 15 01:40 AM
    Yeah, I am waiting for a new update on the game right now I feel like Scott will update us soon. ♥
  10. Pamela
    February 21st, 15 12:45 AM
    Well yeah, if it was "that" bad I don't think Scott would let his kids do it. ♥

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  • Join Date: April 21st, 14
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