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Toyclown Toyclown is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 75
  1. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 08:28 PM
    Bandit Keith
    So ya know had Jubilee fall asleep as you meanted you was thinking a slight timeskip so did that so it'd be easy
  2. Toyclown
    February 5th, 22 03:01 AM
    Havent gotten anything yet.
  3. Bandit Keith
    February 5th, 22 02:57 AM
    Bandit Keith
    And just sent ya a friend request lets see if it works
  4. Toyclown
    February 5th, 22 02:55 AM
    circus jade#9828

    Ya well we shall see abiut randos
  5. Bandit Keith
    February 5th, 22 02:51 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Odd its not showing up please if you can send a pm still today iether send your name code thing for Discord via a pm here unless you are fine with rando's trying to befriend ya on Discord
  6. Toyclown
    February 5th, 22 02:47 AM
    Btw i i.send a friend request on discord. And im checking out that place as well
  7. Bandit Keith
    February 5th, 22 02:29 AM
    Bandit Keith
    I can say this is a place still alive and even has a list feature for fetitishs and interests aswell as does and don'ts https://www.f-list.net
  8. Toyclown
    February 5th, 22 02:24 AM
    I mean thats fair. And this has inspired to.got to look amd see if theres any other rp boards that are active again
  9. Bandit Keith
    February 5th, 22 02:08 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Eh its likily not that and rather that you are a new user with very few ponites I believe its 2 weeks till a user can more then X amount of posts or get so many posts in till the limit is raise to a degree and then removedcompletely.. No one likes that limit for rping reasons with new good rpers (you are a good if not great rper even when factoring in a older rp format) but it was needed put in place as one time on this site we had bots making a ton of threads for varies BS crude and as a result the limit/aproval thing was made till its fully sure the user is not a bot
  10. Toyclown
    February 5th, 22 01:58 AM
    wyou.nap.well darling im fine. Cold here but fine. And yes we will go with the lasting effect. Fun fact a cup of mineral oil can have aeffect of the enema last upto 3 days. By that i just mean hard to hold. Ororo is going to help.her.new babygirl detox in a few 9ther ways too.. But we will get there frist. And have to wait on this post. Again sorry the adultish ness seems to keep triggering the need for approval

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  • Last Activity: October 24th, 22 03:26 AM
  • Join Date: January 28th, 22
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