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Superhero family (with diaperboy124)
Old May 10th, 21, 10:52 PM   #1
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Superhero family (with diaperboy124)

Once upon a time in a troubled country, 2 lovers that were in the countryside awake at night witnessed a comet falling from the sky.
As they had breathed in some of the direct space radiation the next day when they woke up they felt weird and noticed they both seemed to have developed some superpowers.

Jessica the woman had developed the power to turn her body into steel and the man Robert had the power to turn himself really big.
As they bought didn't really comprehend it they tried to conceal it.
But soon started fixing some street violence where they happen to come across it in their free time.
Soon TV Newspapers and the world of crime came to know about them.

While still going about doing regular work they had made costumes to hide their identity than a few years later married.
Then not long after Jessica got pregnant as they were in kind of a peril what kind of effect the radiation would have.
But eventually found a doctor specializing in psychic phenomenon that didn't laugh at their fantastic story.
And was honored to finally meet the people he had heard so much about.
After studying the situation he said it shouldn't be a problem and that kinds that they would have would eventually develop some kind of power at a certain age.

First, they had a daughter they named Emma.
2 years later they got a boy named Michael.
Another 2 years later they had another boy they named Wesley.
But as the difficulty to give birth went on they decided to put an end to it.

At the age of 8 Emma started to slowly develop powers as she seemed to have the ability to become invisible.
Her parents started to explain to her that she was special and told the story of the meteor.
When she heard that she started to train really hard in fighting to combine it with her invisibility powers and undergoing her parent's training she got really good.

By the time Michael got 7 he already seemed to have developed some powers but his powers only allowed him to stretch himself and he was kind of made fun of by his older sister for mostt likely never catching up to her.
He understood that he had to work really hard to take it into a usefull direction.

From there things didn't seem to go any better.
As the second son didn't show much process at all, Even went into his 5th year still wearing pull-ups.
Yet on share will power they managed to get him out of it even if he was a little to late for kindergarten but yet didn't seem to develop any powers.

But 3 years later things suddenly took a twist.

As Jessica said: you aren't going to school today we have something to discuss she came to tell the children while waking them.

When in a secret headquarters of team incredible (as they had called it) discussing strategies with the kids and talking about how to integrate them into the team and showing costumes.
And even the kids wearing them for the first time.

The youngest brother began to cry a little and drool from his mouth.
Then let out some farts and pooped in his costume.
After first getting angry they had asked for the special doctor to come that was still in contact with the family.

After some exanimation, he explained that the synonyms where not out of the ordinary, the mutation from the space dust didn't seem to make the power of later kinds any better.

After some thinking, they eventually came to a conclusion then went to work.
Then after some protest put him in a diaper with baby clothes and put him on a bib and diaper pin with the incredible logo on it.

They then went to explain that the power of the dust had made him in nothing else then baby-like.

As Michael and Emma laughed.
And Michel said we really could use a mascot.
And looked rather happy realizing he wasn't gonna be the weakest.

I suppose he's no longer going to school right asked Emma.
But i wanna go, Wesley said.
But then peed his diaper.
But of course, your nothing going Jessica smiled.

Let's no discuss our new plans Robert said.
From now on you will all be intergrated into the team.
Me and Jessica at the lead.
Emma you will be in charge of your brother Michael.
Wesley will be the cute baby mascot of the team that's scared and poops and pees his diapers.

Emma and Michel will still resume school.

Last edited by tkb; May 29th, 21 at 08:03 PM..
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