I'm currently going through a very difficult time in my life but I can still answer your question and give you an optional solution since I've already tried to help others with this problem in the past. Years ago, in the "Golden age" of this site, your wait time for approval could have been as short in terms of hours but nowadays, if you are following the usual process for submitting a story then the answer is that your wait time could be indefinite/unknown because of two reasons:
Mistress, the Fiction Moderator who is responsible for reviewing and approving stories, last visited this site more than a month ago. Unfortunately, it is not known when she'll return. You can also try PMing
Arukan, the other Fiction Mod. He last visited on February 7, 2021.
2) There is a bug in the system that re-formats story text submissions into a single large block which may inadvertently cause your submission to not be approved. AFAIK, the bug still exists (Read the thread ->
here and the thread ->
here for details).
However, there is an option available to submit your story using a method that Mistress had approved of earlier when another user wanted to share his story here: You can upload your story to Google Docs and then post links to it in the "Story Reviews" subsection (Read the thread ->
here). Also, if and when you make a new thread in the "Story reviews" section and include your Google Docs link(s) inside, you can also attach a file (.doc [19.5 KB Max], .txt [19.5 KB Max], .pdf [195.3 KB Max] or .zip [97.7 KB Max]) that contains your story inside your new thread. In that way, if your Google Docs link(s) ever die; your story is still safely stored here as an attachment for posterity to enjoy. I hope that this all helps you.